OT: Official Movie Thread!

Great timing for resurrecting this thread. I actually just finished watching One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and the ending was one of the most disturbing I have ever seen. Watch that if you haven't seen it!
If you haven't seen Hitchcock's Rear Window, you need to see it.

I'm currently watching all Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett. That guy is my idol.
I just watched Midnight Meat Train tonight, awesome movie!
No it's NOT a porno...

But it should be, dammit!

Is it any good? I remember my mom always used to say how amazing the Hellraiser movies were and then, after watching 4 of them in one night and then having a few quite pleasant dreams afterwords, I never had any other inclination to see any Clive Barker's other movies.
But it should be, dammit!

Is it any good? I remember my mom always used to say how amazing the Hellraiser movies were and then, after watching 4 of them in one night and then having a few quite pleasant dreams afterwords, I never had any other inclination to see any Clive Barker's other movies.

The first 2 Hellraisers rule, but Midnighht Meat Train is a cool sick twisted creepy movie.

I also just saw "Taken" with Liam Neeson....
Absolutely kickass from beginning to end. Not a dull moment!
I had no idea what was going on in The Fountain, and I appreciate deep and creative movies... I'm not usually simple-minded,lol, but all I was thinking when The Fountain finished was "wtf?"

Some great ones to possibly add to your list, Ken:

-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (my favourite movie)
-Deer Hunter
-The Departed
-The Shining
-Rocky (just watched this for the first time the other day, and loved it... also saw Rocky Balboa recently, and I really enjoyed that too)
-Punch-Drunk Love
I watched "Youth Without Youth" today, and recommend it to everyone interested in transcending/intriguing movies.

I've also seen "The Fall" after its being recommended by the girlfriend. It's beautiful and has some incredibly beautiful scenes/camera shots!

The Fountain is genius for its soundtrack, its scope, and its delivery. Part dream, part experience, it transcends.

I concur. I watched "The Fountain" a few months ago after seeing this post. Instantly declared it my absolute favorite.
I just watched Citizen Kain. I can see what all the fuzz is about considering when it was filmed and so on but just like The Third Man, I thought it was a little dull. When it comes to classic oldies, I very much prefer Sunset Blvd (although it's 10 years later... its old and black and white and duuuurh!).

At the moment I think the best movie ever is Memories of Murder. Korean crime thriller. A little Se7en'ish I suppose. I recommend this to all humans.
I mean when one of the detectives in this movie is pissed off, he fucking drop-kicks people
and this
damn now I have to watch this movie again. it has suspense, mystery and it's funny as fuck, what else could you want.

I might see The Fountain tonight.
I really liked the movie "Monster" when I watched it a few months ago.

I saw "Drag me to Hell" in the theatre last month, and although not for everybody, I thought it was fuckin' killer! I absolutely loved it! Sam Raimi FTW!
District 9: Unexpectedly loved it. Was skeptical of the preview and the beginning... but was expertly crafted. I hate movies with Hollywood polish. This rides like a documentary, and has a perfect ending.