OT: Paul Gilbert - Scarified

Hey I'm a lefty and I love Glibert (I play guitar right handed though, so maybe thats why! :p)

As far as Gilbert's diversity, its also been left out that he wrote one of the bigger radio hits of the hair metal era - To Be With You.

Racer X is really cool, but sometimes they get so cock rockish that you just have to laugh :lol: in a good way tho ;)
J-Dubya 777 said:
So, always the same, and lack of passion, sort of like EVERY Vai cd post Fire Garden? I'm in the exact opposite universe. While I like Vai & Gilbert, I really feel Steve has lost a lot of his "hunger" to be the baddest palyer on the planet, and this is coming from someone who has admired his abilities since he first joined Frank Zappa's band. I hope he does come out with another ball buster, he's on the right track with his latest, but isn't quite there yet.
PG had some blurb on his page about an all instrumental cd that sounded cool. PG seems to be coasting lately as well. SSO, imo, sucks. Both guitarists are immensely talented, and both can still shred.......


he's only done 2 real CD's between FG and RI:R (The Ultra Zone and Alive in an Ultra World) and I loved both, especially The Ultra Zone with its diverse tones/themes from different styles of music from around the world.

IMO his big flop was Sex and Religion..Although Dev is cool, it just didn't seem to mix well, I dunno...
As far as Gilbert's diversity, its also been left out that he wrote one of the bigger radio hits of the hair metal era - To Be With You.

To Paul's credit...he didn't write it :)
Eric Martin and and outside writer did.

Gilbert is cool....and an all instrumental cd is long overdue.
The Yngster said:
the original guy tried way too hard, his fills have no melody and are he tried to play too fast, it just sounds like awkward spasms in the middle of the song

You know, when I think about it...you're absolutely right.
proulxski said:
I have akward spasms all the time... Doctor says its not good for me though lol!

I agree with you as well though... Its like half way in a solo he goes "Smells like burnt toast" and has a massive ceisure.
Lol I hate those canadian heritage moments...