Overlorde at Brooklyn Metalfest


Aug 4, 2002
New Jersey
I went to Brooklyn Metalfest tonight, and Overlorde rocked!!! It was their first show in 2 years and the first with Chris Colfax, who may be their new singer. They did a great job! Here are a couple of pictures:



I was there . It was pretty awesome. Overlorde did a good job. Seven Witches was real cool and Billy Milano was Billy Milano, did a lot of S.O.D.
Hail everyone!

Thanks for the posts and questions.

I'll reply soon. My birthday is today so besides celebrating a bit at the fest, we (me and Georgina) have been busy since then visiting my mom and sis in New Jersey and such.
Hail everyone!

Well we finally have updated our website and myspace page. We now have pictures from the fest posted, and a MP3 of SNOW GIANT recorded during the fest.

Chris Colfax has signed on as our permanent vocalist. The MP3 is the first officially available recording of him with Overlorde. Please tell us what you think either by a reply post here or by rating the song on our Myspace page.


To reply to everyone above....

Beth...thanks! Those were some cool shots! Can I use the top one on my solo page?

Cheiron- The black Flying V has been my "backup" since 2001. I've never had to use it onstage. But my main white Flying V was mangled by a drunken British fan at the previous Brooklyn Metalfest (where I performed my solo Satriani-style act) and while it was supposed to have been restored in time for me to use this year, my repairman was hospitalized in early June and its been delayed.

Theli- We had a good crowd. One of the bigger crowds of the night. The stage was a decent size too.

The monitor volume was kind of low, so Chris had a hard time hearing himself even after asking for them to be raised. He did a great job, despite the fact he had only one rehearsal with the band. Let me explain...

Dave and John live in Florida and South Carolina now. Chris is from northern NJ and I was in NJ until recently, when I moved to Queens, which is still in his area.

With Dave and John out of the area, Chris worked with me on the songs in the weeks leading up to the show. We used the multi-track demos of the songs, which meant I could remove the old vocals and let Chris sing along. We even recorded him to listen back. But since Dave and John were out-of-state, we didn't get to rehearse as a band. Not until the night before. Dave and John flew up Friday afternoon and we rehearsed Friday night.

BTW, we rehearsed at Earthquake Studios in Scotch Plains, where Overlorde was born back in 1985...

OK hope you like the MP3!
I dig it. Not sure which singer I prefer more though. Your old singer has a more impressive scream, but the new singer rings better with me in his vocal phrasing. Good stuff nonetheless, look forward to your next album.