Pain of Salvation footage from PP USA I


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
My post on Facebook this evening:

For the first time in 11 years, I am watching the legendary Pain of Salvation headline set from ProgPower USA I. I have chill bumps on my arms as I type this. Nostalgia may be a powerful thing, but so was that performance. In celebration of hitting 10,000 likes (due to Jen's hard work- I didn't do shit), I will be uploading at least 30 mins from the beginning of that concert for the public to enjoy. Gold Badge holders will get to see another 30 mins privately from the end of the show when the intensity went through the roof a few weeks later. -Glenn
This is one of those times, once again, where that Gold Badge pays for itself. Best investment of every year!
Unbelievable bro .... I have so many memories of that show its not even funny. That would make for one long post......

For PoS -- my memory consists of a few things.....

1) Their grand entrance. It was goosebump-enhancing the way that they just came off such a long flight, practically had no time to do anything but hit the stage and let it rip. And that they did.

2) Stevie and I waiting for this with baited breath. Once we realized that the placed was packed, shoulder to shoulder, and we were too short to see anything, we found some of the bands' gear and boxes to the right side of the club and climbed them to get a birds-eye view of the show.

3) Seeing you, Nick Van Dyk and Ray Alder at the back of the place enjoying it all.

4) Driving half of PoS back to the airport (with Echorider) and Kristoff and Johan wanting a simple cheeseburger. We drove halfway around Chicago and could not find a McDonald's or Burger King anywhere. We stopped at some dive joint and got them their cheeseburgers. They were so happy to have those cheeseburgers as we were driving them around.

Such awesome times ...... and one of the most legendary shows I've ever attended bar none.
Oooooooh, got to see this when i get back home next week. Great memories to their set at the best PP ever! Atlanta was good, but nothing can beat PP1, with PoS beiing a big part of that (best show of the many i've seen).

4) Driving half of PoS back to the airport (with Echorider) and Kristoff and Johan wanting a simple cheeseburger. We drove halfway around Chicago and could not find a McDonald's or Burger King anywhere. We stopped at some dive joint and got them their cheeseburgers. They were so happy to have those cheeseburgers as we were driving them around.

LOL... there was a 24-hour White Castle not too far from J.J. Kelley's. But that's probably not what the guys were looking for. :)