Palin is kaput -

Shes a complete fraud.

Making empty-headed speeches to your equally empty-headed followers is easy; also fun and very lucrative. Governing a state is hard; also not much fun and only moderately lucrative.

Maybe she'll end up with a show on Fox News.
true, she actually said, "You can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska". Yet, "I can see Russia from my house" is a bit more condensed.
She might as well have. No amount of acting could downplay this woman's ignorance.

she might as well have...


so, going by that logic, what do you call Obama, who actually DID say that there are 57 states in the nation?

as a matter of fact, between him and his VP, he averages about a gaffe a day.
Every politician has gaffes. How many did George W. have?

first of all, oh-stupid-one, the days of worrying about W are done. he's gone. retired. he's off the table for discussion in this particular instance.

we're not talking about 'every president makes gaffes.' we're talking about Sarah Palin being saddled with a gaffe she NEVER MADE. it was a line from a comedian PRETENDING TO BE Sarah Palin and idiot bloggers and the brainless drones, like you and PJ, sticking to the notion that somehow that equates to the same thing as a comment made by the actual person. :guh:

i dont know if it's a case of Tina Fey being that good of an impersonator or people like you and PJ being that stupid, but either way, Palin didnt say she could see Russia from her house.

HOWEVER, the same drooling morons that will look to Tina Fey's impersonation and rely on that as being who the real Palin is will completely ignore [and even defend] ACTUAL comments from Odumbo.

i guess you're proving how 'progressive' and 'not racist' you are by not pointing out that our half-black prez thinks there are 57 states in the nation. i'm sure you'll try and defend that statement by saying that if a black man says there are 57 states in the nation, there are and if nobody acknowledges the other 7 states, it's because they're racist or maybe George W. Bush HID those states to keep the black man down.

Obama: "Because, you know, it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states, I think, one left to go. One left to go, Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Beaverton, OR, 5/9/08
first of all, oh-stupid-one, the days of worrying about W are done. he's gone. retired. he's off the table for discussion in this particular instance.

we're not talking about 'every president makes gaffes.' we're talking about Sarah Palin being saddled with a gaffe she NEVER MADE. it was a line from a comedian PRETENDING TO BE Sarah Palin and idiot bloggers and the brainless drones, like you and PJ, sticking to the notion that somehow that equates to the same thing as a comment made by the actual person. :guh:

i dont know if it's a case of Tina Fey being that good of an impersonator or people like you and PJ being that stupid, but either way, Palin didnt say she could see Russia from her house.

HOWEVER, the same drooling morons that will look to Tina Fey's impersonation and rely on that as being who the real Palin is will completely ignore [and even defend] ACTUAL comments from Odumbo.

i guess you're proving how 'progressive' and 'not racist' you are by not pointing out that our half-black prez thinks there are 57 states in the nation. i'm sure you'll try and defend that statement by saying that if a black man says there are 57 states in the nation, there are and if nobody acknowledges the other 7 states, it's because they're racist or maybe George W. Bush HID those states to keep the black man down.

I didn't know the Broughton State lunatic asylum let you out.
I liked the SNL skit when John McCain was on SNL and he was campaigning on QVC. Palin (Tina Fey) said "I'm not leaving Washington, I'm running for president in 2012" and started selling Palin 2012 T-shirts & pins.
first of all, oh-stupid-one, the days of worrying about W are done. he's gone. retired. he's off the table for discussion in this particular instance.

we're not talking about 'every president makes gaffes.' we're talking about Sarah Palin being saddled with a gaffe she NEVER MADE. it was a line from a comedian PRETENDING TO BE Sarah Palin and idiot bloggers and the brainless drones, like you and PJ, sticking to the notion that somehow that equates to the same thing as a comment made by the actual person. :guh:

i dont know if it's a case of Tina Fey being that good of an impersonator or people like you and PJ being that stupid, but either way, Palin didnt say she could see Russia from her house.

HOWEVER, the same drooling morons that will look to Tina Fey's impersonation and rely on that as being who the real Palin is will completely ignore [and even defend] ACTUAL comments from Odumbo.

i guess you're proving how 'progressive' and 'not racist' you are by not pointing out that our half-black prez thinks there are 57 states in the nation. i'm sure you'll try and defend that statement by saying that if a black man says there are 57 states in the nation, there are and if nobody acknowledges the other 7 states, it's because they're racist or maybe George W. Bush HID those states to keep the black man down.

Please, George W, was the king of all gaffes for any politician.

Look, we all know you want a bi-sexual foursome with O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Coulter, so you can stop with your lunatic rantings and ravings over how great the republicans are and how evil the democrats are.
I love how some people have to railraod any topic toward their own personal agendas.

Back on topic...Palin also reads whatever's in front of her on her desk...But she can't tell you exactly what it is she reads.
Please, George W, was the king of all gaffes for any politician.

Look, we all know you want a bi-sexual foursome with O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Coulter, so you can stop with your lunatic rantings and ravings over how great the republicans are and how evil the democrats are.

just as i thought. you've been well trained [brainwashed]. the current sham of an administration have no answers for the disaster they're laying on the backs of the American taxpayers, so they just keep pointing backwards and blaming Bush. they rely on the very, very stupid, like yourself, to drool and nod and just hear, 'Bush did it.' that's how they're getting by with being completely incompetent. no matter how stupid they are, you're proof that there are always those even more stupid.

you're completely ignoring Obama saying he'd visited 57 states because if you actually addressed it, you'd have to admit this guy is a moron and you're scared to death of being called a racist.

what a well-cowled fool you are.
just as i thought. you've been well trained [brainwashed]. the current sham of an administration have no answers for the disaster they're laying on the backs of the American taxpayers, so they just keep pointing backwards and blaming Bush. they rely on the very, very stupid, like yourself, to drool and nod and just hear, 'Bush did it.' that's how they're getting by with being completely incompetent. no matter how stupid they are, you're proof that there are always those even more stupid.

you're completely ignoring Obama saying he'd visited 57 states because if you actually addressed it, you'd have to admit this guy is a moron and you're scared to death of being called a racist.

what a well-cowled fool you are.

First off, you should be permanetly sent to Broughton State, you're a major nutcase. You prove you're a nutcase everytime you write a reply. On this post about Palin, my whole point is that every politician has gaffes and the media exploits the hell out of it when they do. I don't know if Obama was looking at a bottle of heinz ketchup and thought of "57" when he said "57 states", or if it was a plain and simple gaffe or if he's really a dumb ass and thought there are really "57 states", who knows. But with your insane rantings, you started up again that I'm afraid of black people and the dems using the excuse that Bush is to blame still. Well, the dems have been in the White House since Jan 20, not even 6 months, so you're saying that they were suppose to have solved 8 years of damage in less than 6 months?? Please check back into Broughton, the sooner the better.
First off, you should be permanetly sent to Broughton State, you're a major nutcase. You prove you're a nutcase everytime you write a reply. On this post about Palin, my whole point is that every politician has gaffes and the media exploits the hell out of it when they do. I don't know if Obama was looking at a bottle of heinz ketchup and thought of "57" when he said "57 states", or if it was a plain and simple gaffe or if he's really a dumb ass and thought there are really "57 states", who knows. But with your insane rantings, you started up again that I'm afraid of black people and the dems using the excuse that Bush is to blame still. Well, the dems have been in the White House since Jan 20, not even 6 months, so you're saying that they were suppose to have solved 8 years of damage in less than 6 months?? Please check back into Broughton, the sooner the better.

keep rambling and making excuses, moron.
it's not making you any smarter, but it's entertaining to see how stupid you are and realize that there are people who have to deal with you every day. they all have my sympathies.