Phaser effect thing


Feb 13, 2011
I have been trying to figure out how to get this phaser effect down for one of my songs. I have tried putting just a normal phaser on it and slowed down the speed but it doesn't turn out so good, does anyone know how to get it to work great? Kind of like the beginning of and Enter Shakari song. Does anyone know of a plugin or something I could use to make it work.

something like this....

thanks guys
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its a filter done with automation, set an eq in your daw to automation then draw it out takes some time but the end result will be sweet
In the video they're using a Kaoss pad, which is basically a synth/filter/effects processor that lets you change parameters (pitch, modulation, etc.) by using your finger on the Kaoss pad screen. The effect you're hearing is a mix of synth-style filters and pitch shift.