Phill Rudd of AC/DC Arrested- Met im at an Iron Maidens Show

Now they've dropped the "Murder for Hire" charge. It's mostly "Threatening" and drug charges.
Are you sure? Wasn't Simon Phillips the drummer of Toto? Jeff Beck too. Actually he is on Judas Priests's Sin After Sin isn't he? Wouldn't Linda have said his the Priest drummer?

The guy was super aggressive and I could totally see him being crazy violent. Actually I asked him what's AC/DC up to these days and his friend came up in my face, "You got a problem?" I was like no, what the hell? Then this other guy pulled me aside and said, "You might want to stay away, they're a violent bunch!" When I saw that he was arrested I was like, Ah I can totally see it.
Are you sure? Wasn't Simon Phillips the drummer of Toto? Jeff Beck too. Actually he is on Judas Priests's Sin After Sin isn't he? Wouldn't Linda have said his the Priest drummer?

The guy was super aggressive and I could totally see him being crazy violent. Actually I asked him what's AC/DC up to these days and his friend came up in my face, "You got a problem?" I was like no, what the hell? Then this other guy pulled me aside and said, "You might want to stay away, they're a violent bunch!" When I saw that he was arrested I was like, Ah I can totally see it.

Are you sure this wasn't the Cantina fight scene from Star Wars? Did he mention he has the death sentence on twelve systems?
Hmmm only Linda knows which one I guess. Simon Wright was most recently with Dio, right? Now that may have taken the conversation in a different direction This guy was definitely not being cool. I've met lots of "famous" people and he was way at the bottom. Him and Dave Navarro may have been the rudest celebrities I've ever met. But his friends, holy shit, I really expected a bar room brawl of epic levels of British soccer hooligans. I think it may actually have been Phill Rudd.
Ah thanks Linda for clearing that up. I was so hoping it was Phill Rudd because it made so much of a better story. I thought you were joking when you said he was the AC/DC drummer and he relaly got all butt hurt about it and all up in my face. Later his drunk British friends almost got violent. Besides that I guess he's cool.

What's funny is I have met him a while ago with Dio's band. I was in Santa Cruz when Dio played for the Magica album. The bus stopped right in the street of Downtown Santa Cruz and Dio and the band hung out for a bit and talked to the fans. One Hesher was fully freaking out and Craig Goldy had to calm him down.