Please do me a favor and post any reviews you find of "Hubardo" here.

Why do people try to write reviews after like one day (or less) of listening? At least those other writers whose reviews I posted sat with the album for 2 weeks or so before trying to write anything.
I dunno there were a lot of people also calling the last releases since Lambancy 'mediocre' so yeah. I could see them being critical of the shortness of Stained Glass or the live prod of Gamma Knife (both still great imo), but Coyote was absolutely fucking crushing.
your clean vocals are fucking phenomenal in this.

man im still trying to absorb the thing..its massive.

on first listen the black stone vocals had me all :erk: too.
they sounded VERY up front on my main system/speakers which really bothered me.
on subsequent listens on my good headphones and also on my crappy logitech pc speakers they werent that bothersome/up front or maybe i just got used to it :0.

anyway its all good...a great album.

man its tough reading some of those sputnik comments..
sif kayo dot has made a bad!

i should download the FLAC version this weekend.
I think the above contact review has a good title for a new act--"toby driver's... all-encompassing cannon" (sic)