Please help a metal brother!

Metallic Vitor

New Metal Member
Dec 3, 2012
Recently in my country, a new magazine called Super Guitar launched a contest to win a guitar signed by 4 of the most important Portuguese Guitarists. Well, my friend's current guitar is totally screwed up, and he doesn't have cash to buy another one, so he decided to enter this contest... For the past 5 or 6 days we've managed to gather around 700 likes from friends only, and that put him in 2nd place of the competition! But yesterday, someone was able to surpass him in only 1 day. We checked it, and noticed that the guy bought likes or spammed his link on another website, because most of the likes were from people that aren't even into guitar, metal or music!

So I want to ask the Ultimate community to help him win this guitar!

His post consists of a poem dedicated to his guitar and a clip from a band he was in some years ago, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, one of the main Portuguese Black Metal acts!

Here's the post he made, please like it!

And here's a clip from Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, his old band!

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