poopy vocals

wouldn't sound nearly as bad if the vocals were on pitch. delivering with any kind of emotion would have helped. the verse vocal doesn't blend with the chorus at all. eq more similarly. auto tune.

the whoah whoah sounds like a baby bird taking a shit. auto tune probably wont even help that annoying center vocal.
this reminds me of dudes that cant sing trying to sing along in the car.

it's not even so much the pitch as the fact he just sounds bored as shit. you could fix the pitch up with some manual autotune, but he's still gonna sound like he doesn't give a shit.
come on guys. you cant just chalk it up to a bad singer. seems very lazy to me :/ . there IS a way for this to sound nice.
Its the style of the music. this kind of reminds me of The Weakerthans. listen to some of their shit cause the singer has the same vibe but a little higher pitched.
It sounds to me like the vocals are still a little.... dynamic i guess. compress the fuck out of them. They are also sitting a little loud so turn em down a bit.
It honestly doesnt sound that bad. Sounds like tongue in cheek indie rock to me.
You guys obviously never heard weezer

Or even worst, bands like Piebald.

The guy suck in a very indie sarcastic way. You may not like it but this is artistically relevent, especially in this autotuny age.

Cloy, do not hesitate to saturate the vocals a bit to "fix" the levels.

Also, don't underestimate the power of doubling vocals

On the other hand, the drummer is awful.
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