Poser? Gimme A Break!

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
This topic has been bugging me since I got back from the New England Metal & Hardcore Festival IV, so it’s time to get it off my chest. I have been in the metal scene since 1991 and have gone to many concerts since then. My first concert was Cannibal Corpse back in 1992. Even though I have been a fan for quite some time, I’ve never really gotten into the metal scene concerning the “physical appearance” aspect. What do I mean by this: Well, I don’t have long hair, no tattoos or piercings and I don’t wear any leather. Hell, if you saw me you would never guess that some of my favorite groups are Death, Carcass, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Iced Earth and Cannibal Corpse, and that’s just to name a few. That’s where the word POSER comes in. At quite a few shows I’ve been to, I have been told or had indirect comments made to me about being a poser. What a bunch of shit, just because I don’t fit the typical “metalhead” image doesn’t mean that I can’t like a certain group and go to their concerts. Anyone that has accused me a being a poser is very narrow-minded. Like I said, I have been in the metal scene for a long time and have become very knowledgeable about it. When I try to talk to other fans at the show, some look at me as if “Why are you talking to me? Do you even like this music?” Fuck them and I’ve told them that. I try to be sociable with people and all I get back are people acting like pricks. Think of this, if I’m at a concert with a ticket that cost me $20 to $30, you can sure as hell know that I’m into the music and the groups. I always go by this old adage: “Don’t always judge a book by its cover.” This holds true for a lot of things in life. There’s my two cents, thanks for reading.
Right on. Metal fans always go on about how image isn't everything, but can be the first to jump on someone because they don't look like a "metalhead".

Cool post!
Great post Mountain Man, and I totally agree. Of course, I always go out in combats, spiked armlets, metal T-shirts, black nail varnish and so on, but that's just 'cos I like the image as well as the music. As far as I'm concerned, people could go to a Cannibal Corpse gig wearing a Teletubbies outfit and probably still be more 'metal' than half the no-necked long-hairs there. :)
I've been listening to metal since '88 and I don't have long hair or even wear metal t-shirts. I love the music, but I'm not going to revolve my lifestyle around it. Hell, I don't even drink or smoke. I usually laugh at the people who get all dressed up and shit...I think it's hilarious. I'm sure they're cool people and all, but c'mon people, you're just as bad as the Star Wars freaks dressing up like obi-wan to go to the movies. It's just music; you listen to it, not design your wardrobe after it.
I reckon that might be going a little far, jimbob - I mean, your point's fair enough if people are blatantly copying a band's image (Immortal's badger facepaint or... err... Kiss's badger facepaint, for example), but for most it's just a different fashion. Metallica logos in preference to brand label logos, for instance. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, too!
Dude, anyone who judges someone else strictly on their looks IMHO is more concerned how they themselves look, and if they are looking “cool” enough. To me it seems these things matter more when you are younger, as you get older they will mean less. Stay away from those small-minded ego fucks. “Metal” I believe is a state of mind not a “profile”. I really could care less how you look or for that matter what kind of music you listen to. What’s inside is what REALLY matters. True stand up people & friends who cover your back and except you for who your are is all that matters. I’ll relate a little story to you. Was at a Machine Head, Forbidden show at the Stone in S.F. probably around the mid nineties kickin back at the bar. This guy comes up and starts a conversation with me about the bands. He has short hair conservatively dressed but was really cool. Turns out he was tite with both bands, got to spend the rest of the night backstage and party with the bands. Not braggin just trying to give an example, don’t judge a book by its cover. As Zakk says “Don’t take shit off of anyone!”
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This topic has been bugging me since I got back from the New England Metal & Hardcore Festival IV, so it’s time to get it off my chest. I have been in the metal scene since 1991 and have gone to many concerts since then. My first concert was Cannibal Corpse back in 1992. Even though I have been a fan for quite some time, I’ve never really gotten into the metal scene concerning the “physical appearanceEaspect. What do I mean by this: Well, I don’t have long hair, no tattoos or piercings and I don’t wear any leather. Hell, if you saw me you would never guess that some of my favorite groups are Death, Carcass, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Iced Earth and Cannibal Corpse, and that’s just to name a few.

A true metal fan is much more interested about interacting with other fans and sharing ideas than making a visual statement. In my profession, Industrial machinery troubleshooting, the companies I work for could care less if I have long hair tattoos or if I had three eyes as long as I can do the job, so I do have long hair, but I choose not to have tattoos or piercings simply because I like myself better without them. Some metal-heads choose to look like your average Joe and some have to conform to societies appearance standards to feed their families. I personally don't care how people look. It is what is on the inside that counts. I have friends that could care less about metal music, but we have other things in common that bind us. Friendship should not be based on looks.
I used to call fans of Bon Jovi and the like "posers" and certainly many were, but the fact is, some really liked (and still like) that band's style of music and that makes them genuine. Although that is not my style of music, I appreciate "real" people who stand behind their preferences rather than following others. The people that call you poser most likely aren't worthy of your friendship in the first place, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Originally posted by jimbobhickville
I've been listening to metal since '88 and I don't have long hair or even wear metal t-shirts. I love the music, but I'm not going to revolve my lifestyle around it. Hell, I don't even drink or smoke. I usually laugh at the people who get all dressed up and shit...I think it's hilarious. I'm sure they're cool people and all, but c'mon people, you're just as bad as the Star Wars freaks dressing up like obi-wan to go to the movies. It's just music; you listen to it, not design your wardrobe after it.

C'mon guy !! You are not being any different than the guys calling the origianl poster "poser." I have metal shirts dating back to 1987. I also have long hair, drink and smoke.
I love people and enjoy intelligent conversations with nearly anyone, but I don't descriminate on appearance like you do. One thing I can say about myself that I am proud of is my tolerance for individuals. I try very hard not to judge people by their appearance and I think you should try to do the same.

Looks Smhooks, it's all about the music. Thats all I gotta say. Although I guess in some extreme cases it's just wierd... ala a prep being into extreme death metal or something.. it just doesnt seem to work.
I dress casually, hoodies, t shirts, etc etc... I dont drink, do drugs, or smoke, I've got short hair ( im growing it long though, im sick of short hair), and you wouldnt think I'd be a metal head but dammit, I love metal!! My life revolves around it really, but it doesnt effect what style of clothes I wear or what I do.
Who fucking gives a shit what you dress or look like. Fuck it all... I dont care I goto shows to go deaf and have fun listening to bands I like. Shit Manowar is playing two shows here in SF next month and I WILL BE AT BOTH in a TUX I dont give a rats ass. It's all about having the Metal Heart! Fuck all those who who call you a poser because you dont have a mullot or tattos or piercing and are at a metal show. I'm almost 30 and have been into metal since I was 9.....It's a part of me and does not matter what I look like or am wearing. It's who I am. You all can analyze this post till next year if you want but thats what I have to say!

First of all I have conflicting opinions here..
I think that if you love Metal you would want to reflect it and represent it in all ways.You shouldnt be opposed to the dress/lifestyle or think that its comparable to trekies or star wars fanatics.. Metal is much more than that.. or it should be. If you just like the music for some reason and dont like the garb or the hair (probably afraid of being snubbed by society or the non acceptance of parental/peers etc then that doesnt make you a poseur..it just makes you weak or maybe you like looking like EVERYONE else around you-in which case there are bigger issues at hand. But A poseur is someone posing to like something just because its popular or some other superficial reason and you can like Metal without representing it. So, I agree with the Post master" in that respect but metalheads like a sense of unity if you will. feeling a part of something outside the picture and are very territorial and if you come walking into a metal show looking like an "outsider" then you might expect to be treated in a less cool manner. Its not fair, but you have to at least respect the Brotherhood' for lack of a better word. Just dont be offended- its the music you should really focus on. Its really all that matters anyway.
I feel the same way Mountain Man. I went to a Nevermore/ Opeth/ Angel Dust/God Forbid show wearing jeans and an Abercrombie and Fitch shirt( I know, shutup) and when I started talking to people in line about Samael, Darkthrone, and Emperor they all quit looking at me like I had leprosy. I was there with my grilfriend who is in a Sorority at college, and she was all preppie looking, but who cares.

Metal Maiden, I disagree with your first point. yes, I love metal, it is ll I listen to and yes people make fun of me for it, but I don't care. I am not OPPOSED to wearing metal garb, it just has never been my thing. Metal is not a lifestyle. As the philosopher Devin Townsend once said "Music, well it's just entertainment folks".

I mean here I am talking to you guys about metal while I'm at work in my office at my big corporate job wearing Khakis and a Polo. Hell, you can't get much more metal than that.
metal very much is a lifestyle for many!!! It is more than a genre of music... cmon of all the genres out there -its followers are the most dedicated- it doesnt have to be a lifestyle but there isnt anything wrong with it -if it is... and we all have to work- I too am in a corp office.. its my job-doesnt mean I dont live the metal life at all other times.. and I think that is too broad a statement.. living the life doesnt mean doing something TOTAllY metal at all times- it just means that you carry the metal spirit with you in all that you do. metal is not a literal thing entirely and the music is only one aspect of metal. If that doesnt make sense it doesnt have to... but I am not alone in this I am sure.. : )
Metal Maiden, I understand your points, and with most, I agree whole heardedly. With others, somewhat. Yes, I carry the "metal spirit" wherever I go. I defend it when others slam metal before they even here anything.

But going backward a little, simply because I may not "dress the part" doesn't mean I'm less metal than anyone else. Hell, I bet I know more about metal than a lot of metal heads that do wear the metal garb. I'm almost positive of that.

By shutting someone out because they may not dress or look like you, you are becoming what you hated in the first place. Hell, if metal heds are going to start shunning their own kind, we might as well start going to Limp Bizkit concerts
I live in Wichita, Kansas, and, as far as I know, I am the only true metalhead. I'm sure there are others, but, since the only concert to come through in the last year that even resembles metal was Skinlab, I have no way of knowing. By the way, I don't wear the usual metal wardrobe because of my job. Consequently, due to a lack of people to talk metal with in Kansas, I'd talk to any knowledgable person about metal . . . even if he/she had a penis growing out of their chin.
im not sure why it bothers you what people like that think. im pretty much the same, i hardly wear all that stuff, mostly im black/blue jeans and t-shirt, sometimes i wear band t-shirts, but all that make-up, blah blah people you see at gigs that look like hell never interested me, oh well.

a lot of people asume i like hip-hop and r 'n' b i think, oh well, everyone else i know does.
Oh i agree with you guys- as long as they like good metal it doesnt matter what they are wearing but I was speaking in general tones.. I totally agree that just because you have long hair and wear metal clothes doesnt mean you know anything about metal that would be more of a posuer than the other way around.. I am on your side here.. hahha!! I just felt negatively about the comment made that it is silly to dress metal and that metal isnt a lifestyle because depending on you are talking to it very much is.. We have common ground here so lets focus on that.. : )
Alone in Kansas.. Im with ya in the respect that I live in Nebraksa and there just isnt a scene here.. there used to be but that died out a long time ago.. there is a nu metal scene here but since I am advidly against that whole concept it doesnt give me many people to socialize with.. good thing I dont really need to socialize...physically anyway- Thats probably where online has really come in the most useful-I get to talk to real metalheads all over the world and i dont have to feel like I am totally alone and lost in some forgotten time that no one even remembers anymore.. sometimes my life can seem a bit surreal and its nice to have reminders that not only did the metal spirit exist at one time it is still very much alive!! Especially, in Europe where everyone isnt a trendseeker- All Hail Europe.. Anyone going to make it to Wacken?