Post Bloodstock thoughts and reflections


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Hey guys,

Well, what a weekend that was. Emotional, intense, hectic and so much more...and then it was over. There are quite a number of pics up on my FB page already and I will endeavour to get some added to the PQ website as well.

We were blessed with an amazing crowd despite the clashes with Sabaton and Avantasia but it was wonderful to see so many PQ shirts and so many familiar faces in the audience.

Emotions were running quite high during the set, and I could see a number of people in tears in the audience and I think a couple of band members weren't too far away from that.

For once at a festival we had a brilliant sound......according to a lot of folk the best sound of the weekend, which was fitting in many ways I think.

I won't list the setlist again as it is documented elsewhere but I arranged for a tray of JD shots to be brought on stage between Edge of Time and Neverworld so that we could raise a toast to the crowd and to the past 12 years. Seemed to go down well too :)

We had a lot of press stuff to do which took up time before and after the show on this occasion, which meant by the time that was done there was only really Lamb of God left to I went for the chill out option instead. I think some of the lads managed to catch Avantasia who didn't seem to pull in much of a crowd from what I was told.

The signing session was awesome as well.....lots of familiar faces there and Lisa McNally who works for the Bloodstock team brought along a rather special shirt. It was the template shirt for the WOF t shirt....the only white one in existence. THis had been signed by PQ back in 2003 at Bloodstock and everyone there in 2013 signed again. Alessio and myself appearing twice :)

Didn't get too drunk myself as I wanted to remember the whole thing clearly as it was a memorable day.....hearing the "Power Quest" chant go up on numerous occasions along with a "Steve, Steve, Steve" at one point too.

As I said to all the guys in an email yesterday (including Steve and Andrea as well) that I have been privileged to work with such a talented group of musicians over the years, but more importantly privileged to call these guys my friends.......just I/We are privileged to have fans like yourselves here on the forum and those who turned up to see us off on Saturday night.

It's been on hell of a ride from 2001-2013 but, at least for now, the journey is over. Who knows what the future will bring.....but I'm a firm believer in "never say never"

In the meantime the forum will remain for as long as it is wanted, as will the PQ site itself.

With respect and gratitude :headbang:

I don’t really visit UM much, just popping by to say thanks for the awesome Bloodstock show! In fact, thanks for all the brilliant shows over the years and of course the music.

In terms of club gigs, you were the first band I saw live (on the Helloween tour) back when I was only familiar with the Neverworld album. That soon changed! I’m really going to miss all the gig adventures!

Best of luck for the future!
Almost teared up by the end of your post, Steve! God knows I would've given an arm and a leg to have been there. Great to hear everything went well. Sounds like everybody, band and audience had the time of their lives that weekend :)
Thanks so much guys for the kind words :)

Wow.... "ride the Sky" that's really cool that you saw that tour and it was your first live show! I love hearing about stuff like that. Really was a fabulous tour that one and we sold way more merchandise on that tour than anything before or after that despite it being only 3 shows.

I think PQ have had and continue to have some of the most loyal and dedicated fans a band can have and I am in your debt for all the wonderful support guys
Great to read this Steve, sounds like it was an incredible performance and atmosphere, which is exactly the kind of send off you and the rest of the guys deserve. Wish I could have been there!
Damn I almost teared up just reading all that let alone how high the emotions must have been running at the show. Wow. Just gutted I couldn't get to this one - I got whisked to Aus but I was there in spirit. What a show