Post your first song thread - for the lulz!


Cat Dad
Apr 19, 2012
Portsmouth, UK
Yeah, thought it'd be a hilarious thread.

Everyone's first song is dreadful, that is a fact, so post it here if it's laying around on your hard-drive somewhere, and if it isn't dreadful, post it anyway and let us bask in your genius! :lol:

Here's mine, from 2 years ago. Recorded in Mixcraft 5 and Riffworks :erk:

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I don't have a cassette player anymore.

This ^^^^

I'm old, what can I say ;) My first recordings were done on a Fostex X-15 four track back in around 1985 or so - the tapes are still somewhere in a box here in my home office, but I've not had a tape deck in ages.
Yeah I don't have any of my first recordings either.

Even after I got into digital audio stuff, I was doing lame shit with Windows Sound Recorder, TabIt, and guitars direct from a shit amps headphone out straight into the Line In of a computer. Sounded like pure fuzz and garbage, no EQ or anything, just raw as fuck. :lol:
I don't know if I'd EVER find my first song/recording. It's also on cassette recorded from the line-out of my grandmother's electric organ when I was like 8 or 9 years old hahaha It was some Edward Scissorhands type stuff with one of the rhythm/beats, foot pedals for bass and a dual keyboard. The bass clef was the same as the pedals hahaha I would love to find that cassette but it's somewhere in my mom's basement back in the US.
I've made a clown out of myself more times than I can count, running around nakes or in various string tangas (pink elephant one is my favo), but there is NO WAY IN HELL, I'd ever post that one shitty first song I ever wrote and recorded :lol:
It consistet of 2 notes, and I didn't even realise even had vocals on it...god aweful.