Post your picture v1.0


My archaeological field crew was doing some survey work in Virginia this week. We stepped out of the woods, and found the North American wing of the mighty Maruchan Ramen Empire.
I don't get it.


Me and my ladyfriend when she came to visit over Christmas,


I'm being an idiot, as usual.
She looks.....immune to your wily charms. :lol:

My wily charms? Nah, she's not immune to those ;) :lol:

I don't think I understand what you mean by wily charms though man, at first I thought it was meant to be witty... but that'd be one awful typo so it can't be!?

Also, welcome to the forum griddlebone!

My archaeological field crew was doing some survey work in Virginia this week. We stepped out of the woods, and found the North American wing of the mighty Maruchan Ramen Empire.

That is awesome. All hail the Ramen Empire! Ramen noodles were a mainstay of my diet during college!

Fear not, I'll be back on British soil in a couple of weeks. Dreading the return in more ways that one, but the cold weather is definitely one of them!