Powers of Omens & A Big Fat Apology

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
In a thread entitled "Power of Omens has to be part of PPUSA 4", I replied to the original poster simply by saying "God I hope not." Well, I don't know if I mixed these guys up with someone else, or their new music is substantially better than their previous material, but these guys are excellent.

For starters, I'm about to pay their the singer the biggest compliment I can possibly conceive of, and quite possibly insult him at the same time; he sounds like Geoff Tate. However, he doesn't just sound like Geoff, as I listen to Power of Omens, I often feel like I'm listening to Geoff (well, back when Geoff could still sing). How he doesn't list Geoff as one of his influences in his bio is a mystery to me, but whatever. At first, I was a bit put off by this. However, as I began to listen to all four of the new songs that they've posted on their web site, it began to dawn on me that if Geoff, or Queensryche, put out anything half this good, I'd probably be praising it all over the net as the disc of the year.

For those of you who have yet to hear PoO, while there is a Queensryche influence there, beyond the similarities between their singer and Geoff, these guys are hardly a QR clone. These guys draw influence from all over the Prog spectrum, and may be one of the best kept secrets (at least they were to me) in Prog Metal. Their music is mature, complex without being fragmented, and melodic without being redundant. I love how they seem to infuse a variety of elements behind the primary musical theme. Suffice it to say I will be buying a copy of "Rooms of Anguish" as soon as it's released.

That's a HUGE compliment GZ!!!!

I needed a little help lifting my jaw from the ground after reading your post ;) hehehehe

Thank you so much for the positive feedback, and am so glad you enjoyed the new stuff!!!!

As for the apology...nahh don't sweat it man...like I mentioned in that original post...we're used to people bashing us for our style of music... in the beginning it used to bother us a bit, but now it just rolls off of our backs :D

But compliments like yours though, are constantly appreciated and gives us reason to push as hard as we can to do the best that we can possibly do.

Thanks man!!!
Originally posted by Dave - Power of Omens
I needed a little help lifting my jaw from the ground after reading your post ;) hehehehe

Seems you've had that problem a lot lately -- maybe you should get that checked ... :D
Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess
Well ... ya know ... that WONDERFUL music entertainment that night had all of us stunned ;) hehehe *coughyearightcough*


yeah well...the music was great at PP2...but the *coughyearightcough*is exactly right, that night of the pre-party, there was no music (unlike PP3) to be stunned by...so it must have been something else ;)

Oh oh oh -- it must have been that -- okay never mind -- this game isn't funny anymore and I'm sure it's annoying to everyone else - hehehe
Jeez... I didn't even know you guys had the video stuff up there.... we have to set up a collection to buy you guys a tripod, tho.... :^)

Thanks... that was a new perspective on the PPUSA 1 stuff... you guys rocked!

Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess
Well ... ya know ... that WONDERFUL music entertainment that night had all of us stunned ;) hehehe *coughyearightcough*

those of us fortunate enough to live in the Atlanta area have sometimes had the misfortune of seeing that very same band opening for a couple of metal shows that came through here since. *sigh*

Well, I'm stubborn and I don't like what I've heard so far... but with Greg giving out high praise like this (which is usually not like him IME), I may have to give Power of Omens another try.

Greg, what is it exactly you were listening to that elicited such comments? LMK, and I'll add it to that long list of mine. :)

Thanks for the link...interesting stuff. The vocals are definitely not my cup of tea, but I really like the music...kind of the same love/hate relationship I have with Opeth.
Power of Omens MP3s


The four songs from the new CD, that are available at the link above are:

"As Winter Falls"
"With These Words"
"Toast to Mankind"
"Only a Dream"

I think all four tracks are superb and plan to buy the CD as soon as MetalAges has it back from being pressed.

Originally posted by General Zod
In a thread entitled "Power of Omens has to be part of PPUSA 4", I replied to the original poster simply by saying "God I hope not." Well, I don't know if I mixed these guys up with someone else, or their new music is substantially better than their previous material, but these guys are excellent.


Hey, Greg... Have you, or anyone else, for that matter, listened to the Eyes of the Oracle album? I just caught a track on Progged Radio ("Test of Wills") and thought it was pretty damn cool. It reminded me of a blend of Dream Theater and classic Queensryche. Was wondering what your thoughts were on that album.


Well, a description of DT mixed with QR is only partially accurate, IMO. The QR thoughts always come to mind because of the vocals, otherwise there's no QR similarity, really. You could say there's some DT in there, but Power of Omens really does there own thing more than anything else.

Personally, Eyes of the Oracle has been on my all-time top 10 list for years, and I think if you like what you've heard of the new stuff, you should definitely get a copy of it. Just be prepared to give it a number of listens... it takes some real time to digest!

Originally posted by Chrisf
Well, a description of DT mixed with QR is only partially accurate, IMO. The QR thoughts always come to mind because of the vocals, otherwise there's no QR similarity, really. You could say there's some DT in there, but Power of Omens really does there own thing more than anything else.

Personally, Eyes of the Oracle has been on my all-time top 10 list for years, and I think if you like what you've heard of the new stuff, you should definitely get a copy of it. Just be prepared to give it a number of listens... it takes some real time to digest!


Well, I've only heard the one track, so far, so it's hard to form a real opinion at this point. :) I will be downloading the new tracks mentioned above, and maybe I can get my hands on some older tracks, as well. I have heard a lot of differing opinions on these guys, so I'm interested in trying them out for myself now. :) Thanks for your comments!
