powertab for to counter & groove here.

Coypu said:
I made a powertab for To counter & groove in e minor and added the bassline aswell. Its not 100% perfect so feel free to come up with some corrections.



im doing The Mad Data Race and Eighths Is Enough

i need some help! in bar 77 in mad data, how do i put that in Power Tab? what is that little 8 on top of the treble cleff sign? is the grouping 9:4? cause im coming up 1/2 short? can you send me a little snippit of that bar if you figure it out?


The 8 over the treble cleff means that you write the notes down one octave (to make sightreading easier). THere is a button for that right next to the heavy accent button, use it and you shall see that the notes will end up in the same place as in the .pdf file.

That section must be 9:8 in order to resolve itself as far as I can see.
Coypu said:
I just finished The 178 thing, I haven't added bass yet though but once I figure out the solo I will do so.



man, how do you do these so fast? do you have lots of time on your hands? it takes me forever, and i have and hour here and there to work on them. the guitar solos are a bitch! i copy and paste alot of the riffs. i find it faster to type in all the numbers for a bar, then go back and add timing and rests etc.

how do you do it?

I have done plenty of theese since there was a time when my sightreading skills where zero so I put all the transcriptions into powertab in order to be able to read them so I had lots of practice so I can do them pretty quick. I have plenty of sparetime aswell since the school I goto goes hand in hand with my hobbies I practially just sit at home creating and learning music and get school points for it.

I mostly just type them in first and add timing and such afterwards, I think that solos are ok as long as they doesn't have lots of pauses and interuptions, time signature changes and such. Just typing in alot of numbers goes pretty fast, its the interruptions that slows me down.