Pre Party Age Limit


Magnitude 9 Fan
May 3, 2006
Myrtle Beach, SC
I know there are other threads out there about this, but i've read them and i'm still confused on the age limit. I know the tickets still say 21 and over, but I've heard talk of lowering it to 18 and up. Which is it? I'm 20 and have a ticket, but it would be a waste if I can't go. Can someone please clarify this for me?

Based on reading those other threads, the conclusion is that a couple possibilities may be pursued so that in the future, the pre-party may not have an age limit. But for this year, it is absolutely, 100% set in stone that you must be 18 or older to get into the pre-party.

Edit: I edited my post.... I accidentally said 21 instead of 18... it's 18. The previous threads definitely said it's 18. I got the 21 from this post mixed up with the 18 from the other thread. I am a moron. It's 18. :bah: o_O