Problem with guitar tuning


Sep 12, 2006
I experience one problem.
I tune the guitar with chromatic tuner so all strings are in tune like clockwork. After shredding for some time, i see 6th, 5th, 4th and sometimes 3rd strings uptuned just a little bit (but enough for me to hear that it does not tune well, i'm picky) and this happens all the time, that's annoying...
My ESP Eclipse is new, i tried adjusting the bridge but it doesn't help. Maybe it's because the nut?

I gave up and don't know what to do..

Do you have any advice why is that happening?
how you tune the guitar can have a lot to do with this!

1) make sure that when you tune, you hit the string as hard or soft as you'd play it
2) tune to the attack of the note
3) always tune up to the note as opposed to past it then back down;

if you tune too sharp, tune flat then back up again;
this helps to eliminate the string getting stuck in the nut and making those pinging noises which result in the guitar being out of tune.

hope this helps
I do like you wrote and my thinking was about nut, since the guitar is new, the nut maybe holds the string, especially thick, winded strings which has windings capable of getting stuck in the nut, so when i play, it may be that the strings stretch from the nut a bit but then don't go back so the uptuning occurs.

Should the string sit tight in the nut or should it be a bit free?
Like you say, could be the nut - if it's a new guitar and you're using heavy strings, the nut is probably tight on the wound strings - if you had to force the string into the slot, it's too tight. Next time you restring it, put the string in then run it back and forth a couple of times, until it moves reasonably freely. You can try the whole rubbing-graphite-in-the-slot thing too, see if that helps.

Yea i agree them dimebag Dr are the best string I think.

I have tried every kind like 100 different times and i will not leave Dr now :headbang: Sucks there almost 7 bucks around here were all the rest are like 4 bucks but you get what you pay for right......
perfectly normal with new guitars, my eclipse needed 2 months or so to
stay in tune - now everythings fine.
If you use bigger strings, maybe your guitar needs some work on the nut.
And it affects much how you string your guitar!