ProgPower Virgins - We warned you!

Next Time you'll end up like the ProgPower V Rat!


*Cheers to all the virgins this year, if I didn't get a chance to meet and say hello to you I willl next year!

LOVE the pic. When our virgin gets back from his trip..I have one of Denis being sacrificed to a few Prog Power GOddesses! Can't wait to post it.

John honey you look fabulous...what a way to go eh? ;)

I was a virgin more than one sense o_O :headbang:
this year was the first and only time i will ever get to go to prog it was litteraly a dream cme trueit was awsome i wish i could go next year:Smokin:
I was a ProgPower virgin. Unfortunately I was too shy to go introducing myself to people, except the nice ones I talked to before they opened up the doors Friday for the general public.

I had such a great time though at the event. When I found out Epica was playing, that is when I decided to go. I hadn't heard much from the other bands, but was blown away by how good most of them were. I really loved Epica, Freak Kitchen, Pyramaze, Vision Divine, Evergrey and Thunderstone.
I definitely will go out and buy some of those cds I am missing.

I hope to go again next year, and maybe this time I will try to be more sociable. (And bring more money for the vending room. I learned quick that $100 cd budget wasn't gonna cut it)
Hands down the most fun I have ever had at an airport! Thank you guys for bringing such a sweet end to the Festival. Metal, I hope they all turned out this well! You have some things for me, yah? ;) Oh, and I have a surprise for you. :cheshire cat grin: J-Man, you are just too damned cute for your own good! And an awwww goes out to Rachel. You look like an :saint: