question about routers...

Same bandwith, but if it's a shitty router, might be different, i got a Linksys router and a wireless LAN hooked up, work's great for me.
yeah, mines a linksys. thing is though, i never seemed to have a problem, it always seemed normal, but today i have been getting 200 ping on a UT2k4 server i usualy get less than 10 ping on, everybody else was fine as well. i deleted all temporary files and ran adaware, nothing helped, and i checked my sisters computer for the hell of it, she was running aim and kazaa, with both downloads and uploads, although she probably does that all the time, ah i dunno. just got me wondering, because i was really pissed about the unplayable ping i was getting on that server. course im also kind of an idiot i realized, and i didnt check any other servers, and im probably not gonna check tonight, i wanna go to bed soon, ah well. well see how it runs tomorrow.
On Server you played in i got over 200 ping too :S... odd
I have'nt play UT in a while... right now i got a new Headset :D
i have a linksys and even now that I have cable and i dont notice the split, when I had a crappy 20kpbs DSL, it did split the bandwidth. If someones using Kazaa on the other computer, that would definitly effect the net on yours. It did for me at least.
abrasiverock said:
Kazza and gaming don't least not at the same time.

LOL i agree, i stopped using Kazaa Lite ++ and shit
they still have secret spyware including.. :puke:
Basicaly, unless you do some crazy shit and set permissions, then running kazaa on one computer and playing a game on the other will just be like running kazaa on the same computer your playing a game on.

Even if the other person is just browsing the web, that can make you spike.

If the other comp is running a webcam or something you will lag.

You could set it so the processors on the other computer carnt steal bandwidth from your IP on the lan, but thats pretty hard to do and will suck for the other user. You could just set seperate processes to not take bandwidth from others, like UTK4 beats out kazaa when it comes to bandwidth but web browsing stays the same.

install linux on router and this can be achived
well, i would try that, but now my router just isnt working at all for some reason i just found out. i havent been online for a couple days because of this. before, my connection went on and off and on and off for a minute each, making browsing a painful experience and UT2K4 an impossibilty. then it just stopped working completely. now im just connected from my modem to computer , but i cant just keep it like this since my sister uses her computer as much as i use mine.

as for the whole bandwith thingy, i definately see what you guys mean now. but the reason i brought it up was because something interesting has happened. comcast must have really slowed down the connection recently, because before, i was ALWAYS able to play UT2K4 with GREAT ping. but all of a sudden, it turned to crap. and my sister almost always leaves kazaa and aim running, as well as using it a lot as well. i dunno.