Question for Schecter players (especially Loomis model)


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
Hey guys,

I'm currently entertaining the idea of getting a Schecter Loomis, probably the Floyd version (I found a great price for the discontinued hard-tail version though).

My death metal band plays in B standard, so getting a seven string makes sense.

Anyway, here's the thing, I'm not accustomed to Schecter necks and I've heard here and there that they're kinda thick. So what are your experiences with them?

To give you an idea of what I like: I love Fender necks, I'm very much cool with 60s style Gibson necks, I'm okay with Jackson necks, ESP/LTD are pretty nice... but I'm not the biggest fan of Ibanez Wizard necks.

Any other opinions on the Loomis model (in general) are very welcome too.

(IMO almost all of their other guits look so over the top, with all that bling, that they're already boring again - especially since every second generic deathcore player plays a Hellraiser... and the other ones play ESP/LTD)
Im gonna be selling my C7 HR and going for the Loomis also. The necks are pretty wide so if you have smaller hands it might feel a little awkward.
I'd rather get this personally! But the Loomis does look cooler (Floyd only now though, right?)

I'd rather go seven than baritone. They have the same scale but I'd like to embrace the extended range for soloing.

And honestly (I know, looks are secondary, but...) that guitar just screams "booooring". It could be worse though... it could be black cherry with abalone binding. :heh:

And yeah, the hard tail version of the Loomis is discontinued now but I found a dealer who has them pretty cheap. I'd rather get the Floyd version though, to keep my arsenal diverse.

Im gonna be selling my C7 HR and going for the Loomis also. The necks are pretty wide so if you have smaller hands it might feel a little awkward.

Any specific reasons why you wanna change over to the Loomis?

My hands aren't really small... rather "bulky" (haha) but not small. I envy my other guitarist though, he has these "alien fingers" like Buckethead and Paul Gilbert have them. That way he can even get away with a very... umm... "unique" technique. ;)
Haha alien fingers ftw!

Well ive had a lot of fret issues with my C7 *but loads of other people have been fine so its not every model* so I have to have the action higher than I want these days.....other people might be fine with that but I don't see why I should put up with it. Im a BIG loomis fan....I want a maple board as alot of people say it feels much nicer on the fingers....less knobs....basically it just sounds like a hot-rodded C7 to me.

Maybe crappy reasons but those are the reasons anyway!

I wouldn't blame you if you got a C7 HR though, killer guitar!
Maybe crappy reasons but those are the reasons anyway!

I wouldn't blame you if you got a C7 HR though, killer guitar!

Absolutely valid reasons!

And it's a Loomis or no other Schecter.

I was trying to find that out myself and it looks like it dosen't :(

Personally I find that shitty :|

For that price, they could have thrown one in. I mean, come on, the Fender Root Tele I'm about to get too is about 200 Euros less but comes with a kick ass retro-case.
Yeah a case would fit my bill fairly nicely :( Tight bastards!

Haha ok then just to appease certain people, my C7 HR is black cherry red with abalone binding!!!! I quite like it but im going to add it to the selling reasons for the hell of it :)
A few months ago I switched over from Jackson Dinkys (6 strings) to the Schecter Loomis this year; I've got fat little fingers and like to play (or attempt to...) in the style of Loomis; I really haven't had any problems with the neck size at all... there's a noticible change, but it wasn't uncomfortable...
Just had, babied, and used one of these for a few months.

Fucking LOVED it, it's my dream guitar, man. The necks are, infact wider and thicker. If you have small hands, don't buy one. Your hands will get alot more tired during playing, if you have big hands or 'alien fingers' like me you should be good

I played a Hellraiser C-8 and honestly, I had no trouble adapting to it at all and I don't have big hands. It wasn't too thick at all IMO, just right. Me thinks based on that, if Schecter make 8 strings that are easy to adapt too, the 7 strings should be easy as piss to get used to.
Personally I do prefer Ibanez Wizard necks (mainly for the 17 inch fretboard radius), but that said, the Loomis model is one of THE finest production guitars in existence.
You can find many guitars twice the price that don't play as well and are of lesser build quality than these (at least the one I got to play was phenomenal anyway), seriously.
Also, the Loomis doesn't come with a case, does it?

No, it does not come with a case. I got a Warwick case from PPC Music.

Dude I tell you the Loomis is a killer guitar! I like my Loomis (fixed bridge) a lot. The neck feels pretty good to me. (Like a Carvin DC727 imo).
I can't express my love for Schecter enough. I own both a C7 Hellraiser (I love the black pearl finish!) and a Loomis, and I play them both as often as each other.

They sound fantastic, feel great and solid, and hold their tune exceptionally well. I have very VERY small hands I play these guitars all the time and really have no problem at all.

You definitely need a Loomis. No more else needs to be said.