question for the band


Greater Evil
Apr 27, 2009
Have you guys ever considered releasing a cover album or EP? I heared your guys celtic frost cover on youtube and thought it was awsome. Be great to hear you guys paying tribute to your wide range of influence.

as a bonus, this would be a great chance for larry to shut up those shred obsessed critics of your soloing.
We started recording 2 covers during the INRI sessions, we just never finished yet. We would like to, and most likely will some day. The problem with covers, there are SO many opinions and musical tastes in this band, it's always near impossible to all agree on what to do. We also want to make sure we can do it justice, and make a cool version of it. We've discussed this many times, but never actually set out to do it. Time is also an issue. We all have other projects we work on, so finding the time to dedicate to something like a full cover CD takes a back seat to almost anything else ND has going on... Never say never though, it COULD happen.

Shit, I pestered ND to do 4th of July by Soundgarden for years, and finally did it with These Are They, because ND just didn't have the time, or the reason to do it.
well, as for the taist issue, if you just do an EP, you could just do one song for each member. Thats what I decided to do with my last short lived project.

also, I know yours, vito's and sasha's side projects, but not larry's or chirs's.
See, and that's part of the problem. It's not just about finding a song we like, it's also finding a song that makes sense for us to do, and do well. There's no way I could pull off a Rhapsody song, so the choice's have to be on par with what we feel we can do, and bring justice to it. It's more difficult then you might think. Trying to pick something that suits us, and original enough, that 25 bands haven't already covered...
been there, my first choice for a cover with my old band was eaten, by bloodbath. Then right after sugjesting it I realized that my cousins band was alreaddy covering it... you have a pritty versitile voice though, while rhapsody would definitly not be the best choice, I think you could pull off some early nevermore, as far as vito's music goes
There lies another point. You would NEVER catch us doing a cover from band that's in our "style". The only way this would even be considered would be for as tribute to a band who helped pave the way for a genre, but I would never cover a song from band of our peers. There's no point to that. I think it's much more interesting to cover a song outside of your genre, and making it more your own song.

Let's be honest, if we covered a song like "eaten" just how different could we possible make it? There's no point to that. First and foremost, any cover we do has to at least be interesting. Novembers Doom doing Pink Floyd, or The Doors, or maybe even a RUSH song? Now THAT'S more interesting.
I've always been a covers fiend. Doesn't matter what genre, if it's a cover, I'm most likely interested. Hell, Hammerfall even made me like Helloween for a few minutes with "I Want Out". Carrie Underwood's version of "Home Sweet Home"...well...that's like my favorite song EVER...

I've always dug ND's cover of "Revelation (Mother Earth)". I'd love to hear the ones from the INRI sessions, and if you ever do release an all covers CD, I'm so totally buying it.
Revelation was COMPLETELY learned and recorded in 4 days. We were asked to do it once a band failed to submit the song for the compilation CD "Legend of a Madman... A Tribute" and we said yes. Not one person in the band at the time was a big Ozzy fan, so no one was very excited to do it. I think for the lack of time and effort that went into that song, it's fair. I wish I had the time to work out the vocals more. It's pretty half assed. LOL

The 2 songs we have started (as mentioned here before) is Angel Rat from Voi Vod, and The Thing That Should Not Be from Metallica. We'll hopefully finish them eventually, we just need to book a weekends worth of time to record the missing pieces. I think the Drums is the only piece "Finished".
i defenetly agree it is best when bands cover people who influenced them as opsed to your pears. I would LOVE to hear your guys cover of thing that should not be, i think hearing you do comfertably numb by pink floyd would be awsome, maybe something like fun and cheesy, like kiss.

Larrys going to kill me now, isnt he?
Holy shit, you guys covering The Thing That Should Not Be would be bestial. Anyways, I fucking love the cover of 4th of July by TAT and I'd never even heard it before that.
A Doors cover would be awesome. Paul and I have discussed this before, it's not out of the question. There's one Doors tune we mess around with briefly now and then for fun, I could see it being done seriously at some point. But, it'd have to be the right time.

I would do a Rush cover. I know Vito would surely do it as they're one of his favorite bands. I don't know if I could see us doing "Subdivisions" but damn I do love that song. There's one Rush tune I can think of that we could do pretty well.....I don't wanna name it in case we actually decide to do it and someone steals our idea LOL
i defenetly agree it is best when bands cover people who influenced them as opsed to your pears. I would LOVE to hear your guys cover of thing that should not be, i think hearing you do comfertably numb by pink floyd would be awsome, maybe something like fun and cheesy, like kiss.

Larrys going to kill me now, isnt he?

Nah, I mean KISS is fun and cheesy but I don't think that's a bad thing in itself. And actually, we've already done it. We covered the song "She" back during the Of Sculptured Ivy... days and played it live on the radio one time. The track is probably floating around on some torrent sites somewhere. Being that it was kinda off the cuff and done for fun, it had a few flubs but overall I thought we did it well and made it pretty heavy.

I feel like doing a Pink Floyd song might just be too obvious, yknow? Anathema have covered "Comfortably Numb" and they do it superbly, so there's not much point in us doing it too. I'd rather do a latter day PF song like "On The Turning Away" or something like that.

Overall though......doing covers can be a fun thing but really, not a major priority of ours. I get much more of a thrill out of creating new music of our own, and alot of times just feel like focusing on learning covers is energy that could be better spent elsewhere. I look forward to finishing the Metallica and VoiVod covers someday but it's not like a major priority for me.

I think it's more fun taking our influences and using them to create our own songs.
The 2 songs we have started (as mentioned here before) is Angel Rat from Voi Vod, and The Thing That Should Not Be from Metallica.

Voivod are one of my favourite bands, and Angel Rat is possibly my favourite of their albums, although picking a fave with such a varied catalog is pretty hard. Would be cool to see what you guys made of that song.:)
i can understand that, i sugjested this because I thought you guys did dethroned emporer so well and because, lets face it, you guys havn't come near me in the 2 years Ive been listening to you guys now and I cant get enough of your music, and know its gona be at least another two years before the next disc falls and god only knows how long till you get to NH/mass and a cover album or EP seemed like a possibility that would be fun for fans and not to time consumeing on the part of the band.