Question For The Musician's.


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL
Hey guys,
I have a love for singing. I was told I have a great voice and a four octave range when I was still working with my voice. However I have always had one BIG problem. I have no understanding of how to keep time .
I have a good feeling of rhythm and such. But I'm always lost when to kick in with the vocals and sometimes run long or short.

Anyone have any suggestions on how I can understand the concept of
how to keep time and exactly what that means?

It might help to learn to play an instrument, like the piano (or keyboards!) Any instrument will do, though, I believe.

That's how I better learned to keep time while singing. Learning the piano and keyboards was a HUGE help. It also has the added benifit of helping you to learn to read music better. That has always been a problem for me.
Download a tablature program such as Guitar Pro and get some complex songs in guitar pro format. The Instrumedely by Dream Theater is available on some web sites. Learn the basic quarter note, 8th note, 16th note, 32 note, and triplet stuff and study the song's complex odd time signatures. Those will give you a really good understanding on music time. If you can comprehend those ridiculous time signatures, then you'll pretty much be able to do anything with the timing of music.