Question for the Sneapster... or anyone else if they know it (mojo and synth related)

Jun 2, 2005
Right.. im listening to stuck mojo's "declaration of a headhunter" disc...

As im planning to do a couple of covers off it, and being a synth fan, im seriously over-curious what synths were used on that entire album... software synths?

Im talking about "evilution", "drawing blood", "hate breed", and "reborn"...

I have tried a lot, but never came close to those sounds, and i have no idea what it was made with, but im guessing a hardware synthesizer?

any help will do... cheers!
El bumpo...

Andy, could you just tell if it was hardware or software then? or did mr.Ward create these synths himself? that could also be an option..

I did notice the choirs, and judging from the sound of it, that card was well worth it...

Did Rich bring it, or did you have at the studio at the time?