Questions for Primordial?

how do they feel about being on of the first (if not THE first) Irish bands to play PPUSA?
Do they think their brand of Heavy Folk, Black metal will go over with the normally conservative PPUSA crowd?
How much were they influenced by the band Bathory?
Who were their biggest influences?
Primordial is a rare breed in that they will play with black metal bands one night, doom the next, folk/viking the next, and so on, and they never really seem out of place. How does Primordial fit into the ProgPower equation?
How has your time with Zero Tolerance influenced your perception of the metal world compared to your time with Primordial? Do you ever have article/interview ideas turn into lyrical ideas or vice versa?
What's next for Blood Revolt?
Ask them if they know how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live there. Other than that just tell them Ando Rake is stoked for their set!