Rant: I just kicked half my band...

Good luck Eric, better to find out now then when you are in the thick of a tour or something and really need people you can rely on. I'm sure the new members will work out better!
My bassist just came from auditioning a new drummer. AWESOME.
He had a Dream Theater cover band, studied Viola in the conservatory in Madrid, knows about music, used to play to a click...

Nice :D

Edit: I just realize that it took me 4 days to get awesome musicians due to having decent material recorded (took me 3 years to get ok musicians without a good produced demo)

lol nice birthdaypresent then!
happy birthday ;)
keen to hear something new !
i hear you.....i recently was in the same situation.
i'm in this melodic metal type band, with female vox....those guys have been around for well over a decade.
well, recently the other guitar player called it quits, and shortly after that our drummer had one of his well-known "i want to quit" phases (he's had a few of them over the last few years, always changed his mind though)....well, long story short, my singer and i gave the drummer a nice FUCK YOU, fired the bass player, too, and are now starting all over.
i'm writing songs like a mofo and already gathered a nice lineup, and boy i'm sooo looking forward to the whole thing.
the band used to be pretty old school, especially the drumming....now that i'm focusing on my own stuff (and with a great drummer on board who can play anything i throw at him) it'll be more like melodic death metal with thrash influences, and clean female vocals on top. think dark tranquillity, soilwork, hatesphere, keep of kalessin etc musically.
what i'm trying to say is: good luck, and don't settle for anything less than what you desire. it might take a while but it'll be well worth the time. sometimes a drastic lineup change is what's needed to keep the ball rolling and get stronger than ever!
Clean/Growl singer ala Scar Symmetry, KSE, Opeth... Someone who can sing clean and can also growl like a motherfucking beast.

Anyways I got it already. We just have to make good plans for this :D

yes!! i feel this way your band is going to shine so much more than whit the female singer, she was OK but definitely not at the level of your music.

and happy birthday dude!
I'm pretty sure it is the best that could happen, for sure soon find what you want, changes in membership that your band is going to suffer will be to improve everything, I wish you well, and do not worry, you're a guy so constant that will get what you want, greetings, best wishes!
ánimo Erik :wave: