Rate my 6505+ tone please

that sounds awesome! reckon you i'd be able to get the same kind of tone out of a bugera 6260? seeing how it's pretty much a cheaper carbon copy :p

also some settings would be awesome if you're willing to share them :)
I have never used a bugera to be honest so i would not know about that..

but i can post the settings i used for you during the day ;)

that sounds awesome! reckon you i'd be able to get the same kind of tone out of a bugera 6260? seeing how it's pretty much a cheaper carbon copy :p

also some settings would be awesome if you're willing to share them :)
I have never used a bugera to be honest so i would not know about that..

but i can post the settings i used for you during the day ;)

thanks so much dude! i'm gonna be producing my mates band's first ep in a few weeks, and it'll be my first full on production kidna thing, so any help i can get as far as tones go is awesome, and yours is definitly badass!
In terms of the Bugera question, I'd say yes, considering that the 6262 at least was loosely based off of the 6505. My guitarist uses a 333XL and he gets some of the hugest tones I've heard yet.