RE: M.O.D. update


Sep 7, 2005
New York
Billy, I realize you closed the thread for the M.O.D. update so that jackasses like myself wouldn't ask a bunch of stupid questions. I have to ask anyway. You said the new disk will have a bonus track for Japan. Why does Japan always get the fuckin' bonus tracks? Many bands do this. They release a full length, and give the Japs a bonus track or two. What makes those pricks so special? Is the bonus track a song about the Japs always getting the bonus tracks?
BTW, good luck with the lady.
Maybe so they can resell it as an import at a higher price to americans? Capitalism they call it ;)
The discs have added bonus tracks so people will buy the local (japanese, european) version rather than import or download the CD. The artists don´t have that much to say about it. That´s how Dave Mustaine explained it.
I am glad things are fucking coming together professionally artistically and personally for you Billy. You are a standup guy and a straight shooter. I am glad that this new CD is gonna be super heavy and full of piss and vinegar. I am looking forward to it and seeing you out on tour.

Best Regards,


CD prices in Japan are so exorbitant that they've always had to give "special value" versions over there. Now, with the imcreased availability of foreign imports, more so.
Gross Misconduct is a fantastic record! Totally underrated 80's thrash!

Have you heard "When the Shoe Fits"? It's an outake from that record (It's on Megaforce's Deeper in the Megavault comp. and probabl;y other places as well) It's even BETTER than a couple of the songs that made the record!
Gross Misconduct is a fantastic record! Totally underrated 80's thrash!

Have you heard "When the Shoe Fits"? It's an outake from that record (It's on Megaforce's Deeper in the Megavault comp. and probabl;y other places as well) It's even BETTER than a couple of the songs that made the record!

Loved that song! Only heard it on a bootleg copy (sorry, Billy!).
