Reaper > Toggle Midi Editor on Selected Item


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I'm finally getting around to trying to actually improve my workflow in reaper with more shortcuts etc.

I use a presonus faderport and there are some unused buttons. I would like to set a button to toggle the Midi Editor on/off for the selected midi item.

For example, I can select the midi item, then just press that button to open it up in the midi editor. This would save the step of right click > open item in midi editor and i could toggle it on/off quickly.

I looked through actions but I can not find anything about opening the midi editor.
lol shit, i searched through the actions list and didn't even see that one...
I used to have the double click set to do it, but switched it to set the time selection. I use the time selection record mode a lot and this lets me setup new takes for a specific part quickly.

ok that opens it, but now i gotta figure out how to close it with the same button again.