Recommend me some dark ambient

Perdition's Light

dinosaur jr.
Apr 5, 2004
I know this isn't metal but please let this stay here long enough for me to get one or two responses as it seems almost no one goes in the non metal forum. Personally I don't understand why this forum is called General Music Discussion if we're only allowed to talk about metal in here. Shouldn't it be called Metal Discussion? :err:

I honestly don't know anything about this genre but I would like to, and I remember seeing a few people mentioning the bands they like from time to time. So any recommendations would be appreciated.
I'm pretty lenient about non-metal these days in here, as long as it's not stuff that's likely to just get bashed (nu-metal, etc).

Everyone else having problems with teh board?
It would make sense to either change the rules and make GMD for all musical discussion or to change the forum's name. Having an official board rule that isn't really enforced seems kind of dumb.
I've been into Dark Ambient stuff for around two years now. Finland seems to have by far the most active community. I think most of the time the genre straddles a thin line between pretence and genius. It's possibly a little blasphemous, but I find that even if you don't give it your full attention, it still serves as a calming background to reading or study. I'm really into the more considered, atmospheric recordings and, other than Whitehouse, not at all into the strange porno-noise of its twin genre: power electronics.

Some recommendations:

1 - Halo Manash

Halo Manash produce dark astral ambient music with occasional minimalist percussion. There's a heavy philosophical link throughout all their work and the album I have provides a guide to meditation in the inner sleeve.

2 - Bestia Centauri

Another band with a cosmic theme, Bestia Centauri offer droning bleakness, brooding atmospherics and cavernous resonance. The works of Lovecraft are a huge influence here.

3 - Depther

Occult / Astral concept band with contemplative sound-scapes and similar thematic material as dealt with on Vader's De Profundis album. Their Nihil Market release contains the tracks 'The Shadow Gazer', 'Altar State' and a live offering.

4 - Heath Yonaites

A lone Chicago artist produces dark ambient works dealing with interstellar journeys. From the press release of his 'Rim of the Sun' album:
"An immensely skilled, deep, and varied sonic journey through exceptional experimental electronics and richly detailed field and environmental recordings manipulated and reconfigured beyond the point of easy recognition. Influenced by a wide range of inspirations, from the immediacy of vaguely familiar yet unsettling terrestrial audio environs, outwards towards the vast expanses of cosmology."

5 - Matt Uelmen

Famed composer of the genre classic, 'Diablo 2 Soundtrack'. In my opinion the greatest ever dark ambient artist. The above link leads you to the Blizzard ftp site, at which the above mentioned soundtrack can be downloaded in its entirety. I would particularly recommend this track (paste it into your mp3 player as a URL if it won't download) as a great introduction to the genre.

Aural Hypnox is a recommended label / distro.

I hope some of the above is helpful.
Well, there is a specific board for 'non metal discussion' and seeing as how this is 'ultimate metal' the general music discussion board implies it is for metal ..

i think that is the logic behind it. i know this post is a little pointless, but hey, i dont care.
Necro Joe said:
It would make sense to either change the rules and make GMD for all musical discussion or to change the forum's name. Having an official board rule that isn't really enforced seems kind of dumb.

I know, I'll ask Deron about it.

EDIT: "Something that's caused some controversy

Whether or not non-metal threads should be moved out of the GMD into the non-metal forum. Here's what I think is a basic summary:

Problems with doing so:
1. Some people specifically want the opinions of the GMD community about non-metal music, not any other community and not the very few people who visit the non-metal forum.
2. Precisely that; barely anybody visits the non-metal forum, thus it's not very useful.

Problems with not doing so:
1. There's not a lot of point in having a non-metal forum if everyone'll just post non-metal stuff in GMD anyway.
2. There's not a board devoted only to metal.
3. If people start frequently posting nu-metally bands that the great majority of people hate, there'll be a lot of senseless flamewars that are ironed out by a rule against non-metal posting.

Possible solutions:
1. Change "General Music Discussion" to "General Metal Discussion" so people know the distinction between the two and abide by it (which isn't happening at the moment)
2. Allow GMD to be a general music forum like it's name, and perhaps get rid of the rather pointless non-metal forum, which doesn't have its own community and doesn't get regular posts or topics.
3. Give GMD a non-metal sub-forum or something to that effect, though that would again make the non-metal forum pretty pointless.

1 doesn't handle the first two problems I mentioned, 2 doesn't handle the last two I mentioned (though I guess I can close any flamewars that commence, and not having a specifically metal forum may not be that much of a problem), and 3 might work but I'm not asking you give up a lot of your time for something as trivial as this. What are your thoughts?


Whether you love me or hate me, give me credit for putting a bit of effort in as moderator. ;)
MSPelata said:
Godspeed You Black Emperor

He asked for dark ambient.

Atrium Carceri - Cellblock
Gruntsplatter - Chronicling The Famine
Brighter Death Now - Innerwar
Navicon Torture Technologies - The Church Of Dead Girls

Threw in some dark power electronics (last two, particularly), as well.
wow, this a lot more feedback than I expected!

*saves all the bands listed (except GSYBE :err: ) in notepad*
can't wait until I can download music again...

thanks, everyone.
Perdition's Light said:
wow, this a lot more feedback than I expected!

*saves all the bands listed (except GSYBE :err: ) in notepad*
can't wait until I can download music again...

thanks, everyone.

GSYBE are very good but they're post-rock.