Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I just can't get into PMS even if the chorus is catchy. I really feel that even though all these songs are strong and none can be considered filler PMS is the closest it gets to filler. I love the sample at the beginning. Any idea where it comes from?
I just can't get into PMS even if the chorus is catchy.

It's got a lot of headbanging riffs, you just can't keep your head still listening to them, which is awesome as their riffs became ultra boring with Blooddrunk which only had an interesting riff in Smilex and Tie My Rope. I can't see how those riffs could pass by without praise.
You forgot NPTD
and that's the most interesting to see as opinions on that one differ a lot

Oh, sorry!

SKO > RtHaB > PMS > NMF > RRF > Ugly > WIWI > CotN > NPTD

I feel very strongly about this order.

NPTD does nothing for me, only the keyboard part is kinda funny. It's just a filler in my eyes.
It's got a lot of headbanging riffs, you just can't keep your head still listening to them, which is awesome as their riffs became ultra boring with Blooddrunk which only had an interesting riff in Smilex and Tie My Rope. I can't see how those riffs could pass by without praise.

It does have good riffs and is better than anything from Blooddrunk. I'm going to listen to it a few times on my walk home from work in an hour or so. We'll see what happens then. My formula isn't final. It'll probably be another dozen spins or so before I start to really carve my order in stone.
Well, if everyone's doing orders...


RRF becomes an amazing song after a lot of listens. It's a roller coaster with a mix of heavy, depressing, cheerful, trash, and laiho/wirman solos. Great song after digested.
Really liking the keyboard and guitar solos in Shovel Knockout, especially that final section (We also heard it in the fragments from the interview ages ago).
still gonna wait until tuesday goddammit

And I'll wait till wednesday... fuck that, I'll listen to it the next friday... This'll be an epic way to end the next week!

It's really weird seeing all the opinions go so far apart. There's people on calling this the shittiest piece of crap ever and the final nail in CoB's coffin (lol) and then there's people calling it the great return and the greatest thing since HCDR.

I'm hoping it's better than HCDR since I don't really like that album too much. I mean of course there's a lot of great songs on there, but as an album it does nearly nothing for me. Weird and stupid, I know.
Listened to the album thoroughly several times today, and fuck I like all of it.
SKO is by far my favorite, after that it's Roundtrip. I think the first 3 songs are among the best CoB tracks I've ever heard, or at least that is my current feeling. I love all tracks, only track I don't love but still enjoy is WIWI.
It's really weird seeing all the opinions go so far apart. There's people on calling this the shittiest piece of crap ever and the final nail in CoB's coffin (lol) and then there's people calling it the great return and the greatest thing since HCDR.
I can see why some people are really disappointed by the album. Especially if they excpect a HB 2, FTR 2 or even BD 2.

But the people saying it's the shittiest crap are just attention whores and/or trolls