Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Listened to the album thoroughly several times today, and fuck I like all of it.
SKO is by far my favorite, after that it's Roundtrip. I think the first 3 songs are among the best CoB tracks I've ever heard, or at least that is my current feeling. I love all tracks, only track I don't love but still enjoy is WIWI.

As as single WIWI was a horrible idea. I feel terrible for the people who heard that as their first exposure to CoB especially with an album that has 8 other songs that are nothing like it. But on the album the song seems to fit right in and after the thrashing go-fests of Ugly and CotN WIWI is a little breather space before the grand finale (NPTD).
Anyone who already got there bundles get one with the In Your Face Rockhouse dvd's?

Just curious if they are any good or did I waste my money buying one of those bundles?
Hey I'm just new on here but I'v been following the forum for a few months now and just thought I'd give my opinion on the album :). The first three songs are really jaw dropping. I feel like I'm flying through forest at 1:21 on SKO and that keyboard solo in RTHAB is absolutely incredible. Very nice to hear something reminiscent of the FTW and HCDR days. I was actually really surprised with PMS and RRF too. I was under the impression that they would be really average, but I'm really digging them. The only song that I still don't really dig is WIWI. So much more could have been done with it but oh well I'm damn happy with the album overall. They have really redeemed themselves from Blooddrunk in my eyes. By the way if anyone has 'Party All The Time' could they please upload to youtube or something? I am so keen to hear it :).
Nice first post man and welcome to the forum :). Glad ur enjoying the album! Im loving it much more than BD as well. Also, I'm hoping that cover gets posted soon as well...I'm surprised it hasnt been posted yet. I wanna hear it :(
Same lol. I've listened to that 30 second sample numerous times. It really does sound funny and good. Thats what i like about their covers. They put it in their own unique sound into the cover rather than try to mimic it close to the original. Thats what i like about their covers. Don't really like covers that were too close to the original version...its just a fun addition to me :) all honesty i don't think it's anybody in the band. I don't see Janne or any of the others having that kind of voice...i mean MAYBE it is but i honestly think its some other guy from a band or whatever lol
I'm not into the covers either, but I think it was a smart move for them marketingwise. I mean, they are an arena level, international product and doing the covers only helped them get some more exposure.

who knows, some dumbass britney spears fans may have become metalheads because of the covers. and Bodom looked like they had fun in the process.

I love turning people on to good music after they have only been into what is force fed to them from the mainstream shit american culture.

its like unplugging them from the matrix.

fuck hipster throwback bullshit wannabee 60s crap, and fuck gaga/bieber/kanye and all that bullshit that makes me ashamed to be a resident in this culture.