Replacements for Alex and Chris

The Wickerman

Where's the Beef?
May 12, 2003
Austin, TX
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Hey guys. I don't know if this has come up or not, but would you guys ever consider playing with Jorn Lande and John Macaluso, from Ark? Their music is somewhat similar to yours, and I think they'd fit in really well. I'm sure they're probably busy with their own projects, or whatever, but I was just wondering if you guys would ever consider that. Plus, it'd be cool to hear you maybe throw in some Ark songs in concert. :cool:
The Wickerman said:
Hey guys. I don't know if this has come up or not, but would you guys ever consider playing with Jorn Lande and John Macaluso, from Ark? Their music is somewhat similar to yours, and I think they'd fit in really well. I'm sure they're probably busy with their own projects, or whatever, but I was just wondering if you guys would ever consider that. Plus, it'd be cool to hear you maybe throw in some Ark songs in concert. :cool:
That's an interesting pair... I never really gave either one of them a good listen as what I did hear from them, I was never blown away... but maybe I just wasn't listening to the right stuff... any recommended tunes????

I think it is painfully clear that it will be a most difficult task to replace Alex because of his drumming style. I find myself looking at the metal world and wondering who can fit. I cannot seem to think of any one besides Mark Zonder (Fates Warning), as Alex and Mark share a similar style of approach, technique and touch. I know Dave and Chris are aware of this and will take their time to find the right person.
Any one who disagrees with me in drawing this parallel with Mark and Alex will have to hear FW's Perfect Symmetry particularly, followed by APSOG carefully. There is an attention to detail that is jazz like in touch, the fills are with purpose with control and the patterns are complex yet supportive of the overall composition of the music. This is what makes Mark and Alex in my opinion outstanding drummers; I also have to say that I loved Alex's sound. I am not sure if it had to do with his equipment but I really loved it. Gosh, I dislike talking in past tense. Yet, I support Dave and Chris in the biggest way and Alex too!

Can't help to think...

I recall the time when the band Slayer lost their drummer, Dave Lombardo (Very Scary drummer – more aggressive and straightforward in style then Mark or Alex see and could not find a suitable replacement at all. The band then pleaded for Dave to return for a year, Dave then agreed. The album that would follow would be Seasons of the Abyss, an album that would become Dave’s high water mark.

OmDave said:
I think it is painfully

Can't help to think...

I recall the time when the band Slayer lost their drummer, Dave Lombardo (Very Scary drummer – more aggressive and straightforward in style then Mark or Alex see and could not find a suitable replacement at all. The band then pleaded for Dave to return for a year, Dave then agreed. The album that would follow would be Seasons of the Abyss, an album that would become Dave’s high water mark.

Um, you do know that Lombardo left right after that album, was replaced by Paul Bostaph, right?

Anyway, Dave, if you want to hear more Ark, try the album "Burn the Sun". Very cool and diverse stuff.

And on the subject of drummers, I think Macaluso could handle Alex's stuff pretty well. He has a pretty different style sonically, but he is a very complex and jazz-oriented drummer (he actually reminds me a lot of Billy Cobham at times). But I do agree that Zonder would be a really good choice as well.
The Wickerman said:
Um, you do know that Lombardo left right after that album, was replaced by Paul Bostaph, right?

Anyway, Dave, if you want to hear more Ark, try the album "Burn the Sun". Very cool and diverse stuff.

And on the subject of drummers, I think Macaluso could handle Alex's stuff pretty well. He has a pretty different style sonically, but he is a very complex and jazz-oriented drummer (he actually reminds me a lot of Billy Cobham at times). But I do agree that Zonder would be a really good choice as well.
About Lumbardo and Bostaph, yea this is more recent history. Billy Cobham is great! I will however take your advice and give ARK a sampling! Yet, I think we can both agree that the search for a new drummer for PoO will not be easy.
Asgeir is an amazing drummer and also a forum member hehe. I suppose he is a very busy man who is always playing for many bands and nowadays making his own studio 0_0!!! as you can see in the latest Spiral Architect's news.

Anyway, Zonder would be great but... have you considered Bobby Jarzombek? Brother of the amazing Ron who I suppose you know so well hehe. Ron at least is from Texas and dunno if bobby lives in another place right now. Now that Halford is a kind of parallel project after his return to judas you should consider him. If he plays Spastic Ink's he can play anything. Without doubts one of the best drummers nowadays. He has also a website.
I've met Asgeir, and he's a pretty cool guy, and definitely an amazing drummer... but that guy is so wrapped up in so many projects that there's no way he'd have time for us... not to mention, we're looking for a permanent replacement, and not just a temporary fill in. ;)
As for Bobby, that guy's one AMAZING drummer, and would be able to handle all of Alex' parts without breaking a sweat, but after being in a well paid gig like Halford, I don't think he'd settle for anything less at this point....heheh
His brother, Ron, is a good friend of mine and I can probably ask him... just not sure what kind of response I'd get from him... :lol: I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I will say this though, we do have 2 very BIG hopefuls that we have talked to in the last couple of weeks, that both hail from the Dallas area. Both are amazing drummers... at the moment they are both doing their homework with the audition tracks that were sent to them to learn, and we should know whether either one of them will work out in the next week or so... so at this point we have our fingers crossed.

I agree! Bobby is a fantastic drummer! But does not hurt to ask! I have also thought about Richard Christy (Death and Iced Earth). I think Richard is from Kansas and is a fast but very detailed/tech drummer (great touch on cymbals!).
Any way, it is good to read that there are two drummers that are potentials in the Dallas area. May I ask what piece of music/song you've ask them to learn?

Overall, I just think it will be more difficult to replace Alex then Chris S. Do you agree?? I just hope the new member(s) will share the same Vision, Brotherhood and Musicianship as you and Chis have live by.

The best is yet to come!!
OmDave said:
I agree! Bobby is a fantastic drummer! But does not hurt to ask! I have also thought about Richard Christy (Death and Iced Earth). I think Richard is from Kansas and is a fast but very detailed/tech drummer (great touch on cymbals!).
Any way, it is good to read that there are two drummers that are potentials in the Dallas area. May I ask what piece of music/song you've ask them to learn?

Overall, I just think it will be more difficult to replace Alex then Chris S. Do you agree?? I just hope the new member(s) will share the same Vision, Brotherhood and Musicianship as you and Chis have live by.

The best is yet to come!!
I wish to with draw this questian, " Overall, I just think it will be more difficult to replace Alex then Chris S. Do you agree??" as it is not fair.
OmDave said:
I wish to with draw this questian, " Overall, I just think it will be more difficult to replace Alex then Chris S. Do you agree??" as it is not fair.
Honestly, I think both have been difficult in respect to their talents. However, it's amazing how many more drummers are out there who want the chance at filling Alex's shoes. We've had a surprising amount of responses for his position... which makes it easier for us to be a bit more picky due to the talent they will have to live up to... but none-the-less, Chris' replacement will also have to have a wide range, from strong demanding highs, to lush, deep beautiful lows... all satisfied with power, control, and consistancy. We've had some pretty good auditions, but one in particular that we're leaning towards as of this particular moment. I know for a fact though, that both guys who join this band will definitely have a challenge on their hands to be able to not only live up to their respective predecessors, but to be able to surpass and help catapult this band to a higher level of performance and acceptance.

