Review: Best death metal albums of all time


New Metal Member
May 29, 2009

Death metal as we know it is now over 20 years old and with so much distance from the source, newcomers come in uninformed and often get led astray. There are plenty of “best death metal” lists all over the net, but too many of them are polluted with second-rate material and far too many late-model afterthoughts.
Honestly... seems like they just picked 5 really influential albums. Deicide and Pestilence owning top 5 spots? (or even Entombed and Obituary?)
I can kinda agree with it - the only problem is Death aren't in there. That's fucking ridiculous. "Human" is at least as good, and influential as anything else in that top 5.

I don't see why Deicide are getting shit, the only thing I'd say about them being in there with Legion is that Stench is better! :)
Autopsy should be first. and why the fuck is Immolation above Incantation. the latter is a much better band.

Still have 10 more slots to go. And Incantation and Immolation were a toss-up in many ways. Dawn of Possession came out a solid year before Incantation's LP, so I decided that Immolation had seniority, to say nothing of the fact that their output and standing over the years has been far more consistent.

Also, I'm not totally letting my personal opinion dictate this article. I didn't want to give Cannibal Corpse a mention at all as I don't really like them. But the fact remains that they were highly influential in many regards.
Influential =/= best, imo... and the two always seem to get clumped together.

Saying Deicide Cannibal Corpse and Pestilence released some of the best death metal ever is ridiculous. Some of the most influential? Sure.
Influential =/= best, imo... and the two always seem to get clumped together.

Saying Deicide Cannibal Corpse and Pestilence released some of the best death metal ever is ridiculous. Some of the most influential? Sure.

To be more specific, the assessment was a balance between quality and influence (and to a lesser degree, longevity and popularity). Deicide and Cannibal Corpse were both influential and their early works are widely regarded as good, both critically and in terms of sales. "Consuming Impulse" is regarded as VERY good and is a perennial favorite, so they got high marks for that. Consensus is a large part of these evaluations, which is why a band like Autopsy doesn't make it into the top 10 - they are great, they are influential, but their impact was more indirect in that they didn't become a giant phenomenon like Morbid Angel or Cannibal Corpse. This list might seem less loaded if I had used a different word than "best" in the title. Point taken.
No shockers there... 2 outta 5 were nice choices imo. Possessed and Sepultura (and even Scream Bloody Gore)were barely even death metal.
hey now, Pestilence rules.

and Mental Funeral is miles ahead of Severed Survival.

I agree. That was actually the album that really got me into the band all the way. But Severed Survival is consistently the most cited wherever I look, so I went with that. Metal Funeral will get an honorable mention along with a number of others in part 4 of the list. Suggestions are welcome.
Picking the best death metal albums of all time is an extremely difficult task and will likely become a target to many discussions as everyone has its own opinion and preferences. I agree with some records that were picked, but I also disagree with some choices as well. For example, Terrorizer’s World Downfall played a major influence on the grindcore scene and is hardly regarded as death-metal. The Kalerian Isthmus by Amorphis is a pretty average death-metal recording highly reminiscent of Entombed and Dismember’s early days. Tales of the Thousand Lakes was far more interesting and influential than their debut, even though it sees the Finns branching into wider and mellower musical areas.
There’s a name that is missing that I remember straight away, which is Cynic their Focus album is undoubtedly one of the best death-metal albums of all time was highly influential on a whole new generation of progressive death-metal groups.
Symbolic and Human by Death should have been there as well.