Ridiculous injuries


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
What's the most ridiculous injury you've suffered? On Sunday I was attacked by a lunatic rooster. I was just plodding down a dirt path, and thought I had passed it, when I felt a back by my ankle. I looked down and saw it pissing out blood, then looked around to see the rooster laughing at me. Prick. Next time I'll take a cricket bat.
Originally posted by Winmar
What's the most ridiculous injury you've suffered? On Sunday I was attacked by a lunatic rooster. I was just plodding down a dirt path, and thought I had passed it, when I felt a back by my ankle. I looked down and saw it pissing out blood, then looked around to see the rooster laughing at me. Prick. Next time I'll take a cricket bat.

:lol: <---------- Impression of chicken :D

I once ran into a telegraph pole at FULL speed (and I mean FULL SPRINTING speed) during a game of touch football (only 2 people were playing, me and my brother). It hurt so much, ill never forget it, I bounced off it through the air and rolled around on the ground, stood up then fell over again.
The game was abandoned due to some facial cuts and the fact I could barely tell which way was up. I was winning too.......dammit.

Oh man it hurt........ :cry:
But im ok now........ :D
My car bonnet fell and hit me in the back of the head. That's about all I can remember.. :confused:
At my old place we had a basketball Hoop built onto to the shed, on top of the same beam was our weather vane or weather cock. While shooting some hoops I heard a creak and look up only to see the iron rooster (cool name for a band) come craching down and hitting me just under my eye. I went running into the house screaming and with blood pissing out of my face that a rooster had hit me, my less than smart brother thought a chook had jump the fence and pecked my face.
I think i can win this. I pulled a tendon off my spine once.

it was during a sack race at the atheltic's carnival last year.

i felt like an idiot,my most major sporting injury occured during a novalty event,in which i jump up an down alot,in a hessian bag.

i broke my arm playing soccer to in this years grand final, cos i tripped over my feet running backwards after heading a ball.
Spiff once copped a whack in the mouth when he and another kid were playing 'light sabers' using metal poles :) :lol:

I used to regularly walk into glass doors when I was little.

On my first ride on a bike, I went down a hill straight into a barbed wire fence (got 20 stitches in my arm!) :cry:
When I was about 4 I used to creep down the stairs way after bed time to watch the TV through the glass panel at the top of the kitchen door. I used to stay for an hour then creep back into bed before the folks noticed me. However that cam to an abrupt end one night when I tripped on my nightdress and came crashing down the stairs and broke my arm. :)
Yep, I got whacked in the mouth with a metal pole (it was around the time of Return of the Jedi) and got a tooth knocked out.

There was also the time when I was being doubled on a bike and we ran over a rock and when we landed my foot was caught in the forks of the front wheel. That hurt like hell!
OK, where do I begin?

I could start with the time I ploughed headlong into the back of a parked car while I was screaming down a huge hill on my bike... I think the stitches in a certain torn area says it all! Very traumatic for a 10 year old! :eek:

Or the time when me and Rick from Fury and another guy were playing with air rifles in an old abandoned abbatoir and Rick got shot just underneath the eye... Dr. Tim, complete with tweezers and watered down Dettol (supplied by the guy that shot him, no less) removed the pellet from his face in my very sanitary operating theater (well, a horse stable)...

Plenty of falling off my bike stories... That chicken thing happened to me too (those bastards can be vicious!)... And a lot of things I can't mention here but let's just say my life was very much in danger from a lot of the silly things I got up to as a teenager in a shitty little town with nothing else to do! :D
This didn't happen to me, but it was pretty damn funny.

It was a grade 5 school camp and we'd all run into the rooms to be the first to get a top bunk. (I was on the bottom :cry: )

Anyway.. this guy got on a bunk which was next to a tall cupboard which because of the height of the bunk, he as able to put stuff on top of. So he hauls his bag (which was almost as big as himself) up onto his bunk and gets ready to launch it across and onto the top of the cupboard.
But he must of got one of the shoulder straps stuck around his neck because he threw himself right of the top of the bed, into the cupboard and then onto the floor! :lol:
Actually no, I almost never engaged in physical activity when I was a lad. Apart from the two times I mentioned, I think I only got injured one more time (when I tripped and fell when I was in grade 2 and scraped my head on the concrete).

Now that I think about it, there was also the time when I was running around at school and slammed into another kid who was walking around the corner (just like in "Lantana", if anyone's seen that yet). Got a bloody nose out of it and all!

Pretty sure that's everything.
Oh, Spiff and I also had cricket-related injuries.

I once was whacked in the head with a cricket bat (I was reaching to pick up a ball while another kid had the idea of hitting the ball, missing, and thereby knocking me out;))

And Spiffy copped a cricket ball in the head when we were playing a small game before school one day. I asked if he was ok, then sent him off to order his lunch for the day :) Tee hee!
I once stepped out of a car and walked into a stop sign. The people in the car still haven't forgotten about it, and whenever they drop me off anywhere now they deliberately park right next to poles haha.
When I was about 7, there was a mattress sitting balanced on the top of a wall, I decided to get on top, lie down and rock back and forth on it, I dont know why and to this day I can still remember doing it. Of course, I fell off and split my head open and had to go to the doctor.....

One time I was playing on one of those swings people set up in the bush, you know, a stick and tied to a big branch....... Anyways, I decided to hold on to it with my hands rather than sit on it, consequently, when I swung out and was about 10 feet in the air, I looked down to see the huge rock on the ground coming towards me rather quickly. The stick had broken. I landed on the rock but I was ok somehow! Yay!