Rikard and Mark at Dean Guitars bash in Florida


Jan 22, 2002
Urghh! I don't know why I wrote 'Rikard and Mark'. I'm not going to start speaking in the 3rd person. 'It's Rikard and I'.

Anyway. Rikard and I spent last weekend in Florida at the big Dean Guitars annual party.

It was a very high class affair that included actual rockstars (some guy from Creed and someone else from some band called 'Dashboard Confessional' or something like that).

Here is us jamming on some pink and blue kids guitars!! Oh yeah!!!!


Here is a photo of us at the dinner -

Mark, sometimes you've gotta put yourself first:heh:

Cool pics:headbang: not too sure though about the pink guitar :p

Hows things going? I'm jonesin' for a Jag show :worship:

I wonder who will have a better season next year? your Vikes Or my Jets:err:

Toss up?:lol:
You need to be careful Mark. If you start talking in the 3rd person people will start calling you "The Jimmy"! lol (remember that episode of Seinfeld?)
Damn, I wish I had known you were going to be in town. Dean HQ is like three miles from my front door.

So how's about a new album? I haven't been out to Morrisound in quite a while...