Roy Khan interview

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Man nothing pisses me off more than a bad interview...the questions asked seemed like he put minimal effort into research and last second run of the mill everyday questions.

grumble grumble.

I am very disappointed in what could have been a really good interview, and he should have followed up more on other questions.

But i know there are kamelot fans here so here is the link:
horrible horrible horrible... painful to read it... doesn't suprise me that it comes from Metal Rules

By the way, Soul of Ice... in a previous interview... 'bout a month ago... can't remember where I read it.. but it was an excellent interview... Roy Khan mentioned the possibility of a new Conception album in 2004
I just got "Epica" and after a few listens it seems like the actual musicianship have improved, but I liked the songwriting better on Karma so far. Hopefully once I listen to it a little more I'll love it just as much.
Karma was where the band should be at. It was their best imo with their best songs on it.

Actually you know what? Fuck Kamelot, I'm waiting for another Conception. I just hope it isnt a repeat of Flow.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
holy crap, you hate "Flow"!?!?!?

Dont hate it. To me its their most commercial sounding album with what seems like the least effort. Its definitely my least favorite of theirs. Its still better than most music today.
Regarding the sales of KAMELOT’s new Epica album, guitarist Thom Youngblood comments: “Well the response has been incredible to be honest. The CD has exceeded my expectations and a quick look at our website of the reviews can give you a good idea of the press reaction. Since the first Kamelot album Eternity we have exceeded our sales 50% or more with each follow up. Epica has already met that mark with the presales. So we are very happy about that and the new fans are growing everyday."