Satanism/Necronomicon/belief in evil etc.


lunatic of god's creation
Mar 20, 2002
I figured this might be a good place, because metal seems to have a strong connection with things of the evil sort. I care nothing about that Anton Levey guy. I don't worship evil deities, spirits, deities or what have you since I am agnostic. Is there anyone here that acctually does? I am interested in what your opinions are on things like the necronomicon and such. Do you think it exists? Where do you obtain the information that you use. The topic appeals to me more historically than anything. If you feel you have anything to contribute to this conversation please do so. I understand this thread may seem silly to some of you and thats fine but please don't respond if you have no interest. I really haven't heard of any people who acctually practice this sort of thing other than people who claim to for shock value. Chances are a lot of you are more knowledgable than I in this field.
The Necronomicon is a figment of H.P. Lovecraft's imagination. The book that you sometimes see in stores supposedly written by The Mad Arab is a detailed piece of fan fiction. It's quite hilarious actually. Lovecraft's stories are great. Here's a cool link for ya:

I myself don't believe in god, satan, allah, buddah or any of that shit. Makes for good stories and cool lyrics but that's about it for me.
It's weird how there seems to be such a large debate over its existance. Although you can't really prove something doesn't exist. Noone has the evidence to prove that it does. Noone can say where an authentic copy is. Some say that the church had a copy locked away in france and one in england and others have been burned over time.
I wonder if there any other similar books with some age to them(not 20th century, mass-produced literature that tries to cash in on this sort of hype).
SADUDE said:
? I am interested in what your opinions are on things like the necronomicon and such. Do you think it exists? Where do you obtain the information that you use.

You will be hard pressed to find someone who is involved with the black arts who isn't greatly annoyed by being referred to as '3vuhl.'


SADUDE said:
I care nothing about that Anton Levey guy. I don't worship evil deities, spirits, deities or what have you since I am agnostic.

I cannot tell based on context, but I hope that you're not insinuating that LaVey DOES worship 'evil deities/spirits.'

LaVey's brand of Satanism strips much of the glamour and allure of diabolicism away and leaves the solid basics. Unfortunately, much of his focus is in the wrong place: He mentions the nature of the balancing force only in passing, which is odd, considering that it should play a large role in what he has to say regarding the practice of ritual magic.

SADUDE said:
I am interested in what your opinions are on things like the necronomicon and such. Do you think it exists? Where do you obtain the information that you use.

Do I believe that the Necronomicon was an actual book of necromancy? No, but that really does not detract from what it offers: Symbolism.

Many who practice modern diabolicism will tell you that it isn't what happens externally: It is what happens internally. For example: What is mentioned extensively in the Necronomicon may not exist literally, but the ideas and emotions that the concepts evoke can be used to work towards the ultimate goal of the ritual. Hard to explain.

Satanism in the UK
My lack of interest in Lavey is because I know he has nothing to do with demons and that sort of thing. If anyone knows any good websites or books and could point me in the right direction that would be cool as well. I would still like to keep a discussion going here though.
This is interesting, I have been researching alot of this type of stuff. Like the Necronomicon and the Enochians. I can't say I'm very well informed and I would like to know alot more so I'm up for keeping this thread up. Anyone else?
im reading the subject of this thread with despair. why would the author be interested in all that mindless nonsense he is enquiring about ?

its only music, why plum the depths of satanism and things you REALLY should not meddle with, gawd only knows what you are making yourself subsceptible to.this stuff gives metal a bad name.
BoogieMk1 said:
im reading the subject of this thread with despair. why would the author be interested in all that mindless nonsense he is enquiring about ?

its only music, why plum the depths of satanism and things you REALLY should not meddle with, gawd only knows what you are making yourself subsceptible to.this stuff gives metal a bad name.

well it may come as a surprise for you but all may not find this to be "mindless nonsense", please try and be a bit more openminded and see things from other perspectives than your own. :Smug:

and i can also imform you that this subject is a part of black metal, whether you like it or not.
To believe in Satan is to believe in God.

Even more idiotic, is the use of ritual, incantations etc in satanism. - how pathetically catholic.

Still Ive read a few books online by Crowley, and Levay- and someone else I cant remember- reading the actual philosophy and morality of it all - is somewhat interesting, yet still derivative of the romantic libertines.

I read a essay "God or the Devil" by the great anarchist Mikhail Bakunin- it really has nothing to do with the practice of Satanism- it is just a political metaphor. Still, the essay is quite interesting- despite the fact it is somewhat crudely written- I very much recommend it. I think it is posted on Anarchy Online- I ll have to search for the link.
you honestly believe that magus ?

im sure you are aware of the significance of the magus rank and the two paths, are you planning treading down one of them ?

folks here everyday with their satan this that and the other and what do they REALLY know ...............SOD ALL !

so is there any substance in your statement about satan and what are YOU doing to prove your belief in your statement ?
I believe such books as Necronomicon are dangerous for people who misuse or misread them yes,
I have several ex. in several languages, some differences are well in the presentation, but the older meaning remind the same indeed.
Tribalchemy said:
I believe such books as Necronomicon are dangerous for people who misuse or misread them yes,
I have several ex. in several languages, some differences are well in the presentation, but the older meaning remind the same indeed.

Most likely you have not encountered an official version. THe odds are very bad of you doing so. Several version have appeared and been mass produced because of the demand.
I have dabbled in different "religions" but over the years I learned to just accept what I feel is the best. As far as reading is concerned, The Holy Bible and The Necronomicon have great stories in them. I don't pretend to subscribe to any religion, but be it my upbringing (around a Christian father and grandmother) or just 34 years plus of existance, I have taken some of the Christian traits but far from all of them.
I believe in God, but I don't know "who" that God is. If it wanted us to know, then I think we would. If you are wondering where I am going with this it is the "belief in evil etc." part of it. Good and Evil has been taught to us. It is not something that we are instinctively born with. It is also directly related to "right and wrong." People that do subscribe to the smaller market religions probably don't like the term "evil" but because of my experience as a child who was fed Christian ideals, I see good and evil in the perspectives it was taught to me though I deviate quite a bit on much of it.
In many ways, I am very good by American societal (Christian based country) standards and in some evil, but I definitely don't consider myself the latter. I smoke, drink beer, have long hair and listen to loud "devil music." I am also the person that goes and gives 5$ to the guy on the street holding a "Will work for food" sign. Though I said I don't subscribe to any religion, it is of the most importance to be as kind a person as I can to everyone. This causes me to get taken advantage of often, but I wouldn't change any act of kindness I have ever done. I don't really know what will happen to my conscioussness (or soul or whatever) when my body wears out on me, but I hope the "God" I believe in, though it might not play an active role in our existance here will appreciate my dedication to the love of my fellow human beings. If it isn't pleased, fuck it... nothing I can do about it.

MAGUS said:
i have strong interest in necromancy. other than that i read demonology. i believe satan being the god.

what is demonology? Can you send me a link?
BoogieMk1 said:
im reading the subject of this thread with despair. why would the author be interested in all that mindless nonsense he is enquiring about ?

its only music, why plum the depths of satanism and things you REALLY should not meddle with, gawd only knows what you are making yourself subsceptible to.this stuff gives metal a bad name.

First off, I'd like to say I believe in God. The christian God of Abraham and all that stuff. I feel that there is some kind of higher power that made everything. Most people don't like "religion" because it gives them a set of morals. I'm not saying that atheists and agnostics don't have morals, they do, but they want to be the one to make their own rules. Thats the main reason for the hatetred of "religion". The reason, I use quotations around the word "religion" is because I feel that religion is just man made bullshit to get closer to God. You might call me "religous" but I see that I have a belief. And if you choose to reject God and not believe in him, thats your choice and I respect that man. Do I think I'm better than you? No, We are all the same man, I just have a belief in something. Yeah, the church does stupid shit, all the more reason to hate em. But their are good believers out there, Not all of em are out to criticise you and say "your music is Satan" and "your going to Hell." That shit really pisses me off. When I see a fucking bastard on campus yelling "Your going to hell if your a homosexual" and this that or the other I fucking yell at them. Do I think homosexuality is wrong? Yes I do, but no more wrong than telling a lie, which every one who is reading this and typing this (myself) are included man. Who is he to condemn another person for the same damn crimes he commits. Hypocracy fucking sucks.

The Necromicon is an actual book? I thought that they just made it up for Evil Dead. Kinda funny isn't it. I wouldn't read it for fear that my hand might get posesed and I'd have to chop it off. But hey, I could put a chainsaw on it. Chainsaw on hand, Does it get any more Metal!
The answer is none, none more metal.
An interesting author to read about shamanism and magic is Carlos Casteneda (sp?). Interesting stories and some useful principles you can apply in everyday life. "The path of knowledge leaves one no alternative but to become a warrior..."