
May 3, 2005
For those who may have already know about scott's apology to Joey B.

here is a little something on scott from metalsludge....
and comments from other people inregards to scott's apology.....


It's safe to say that if Anthrax has to employ yet another singer, they will start to rival LA Guns. From Belladonna, to Bush, back to Belladonna, to Crane? Robbie Crane? No, but close. One time "hair band" (or close enough to call them such) Ugly Kid Joe frontman Whitfield Crane is one those rumored to fill the void at vocals in Anthrax.

The statement below is from Scott Ian (MySPace link HERE) who once swang so hard on the Metal Sludge nut sack we had to call in Mike "The Sack" Fasano for reinforcement.

For the old skoolers of Sludge past - you will remember Scott Ian winning Sludgevivor, wearing our Swag on Vh1, and writing in and contributing at a stalker like pace. Oh well, thanks for the memories Scott.

"I wanted to post something here regarding an interview that was recently posted on It was an interview with Jon Wiederhorn about the S.O.D. release Rise Of The Infidels (which I'm actually really digging!!!). After the S.O.D. questions we spoke about Anthrax and the situations with Joey Belladonna, John Bush and Corey Taylor.

I need to clear up my comments regarding Joey. Some of the things I said were of an inflammatory nature and at the time I was not in full possession of the facts. From then til now, all the information has been brought to light and it was unprofessional of me to speak without all the facts and for this I apologize. I know how to admit when I am wrong and I retract what I said about Joey. I consider Joey a friend and I never meant to cause him distress in anyway and I hope we can move forward from this as friends.

Cheers, brother."

Now the ever so friendly Sludgeaholics of the World Famous Metal Sludge Gossip boards have joined in HERE and HERE with comments like:

Translation--Neither Bush nor Corey will sing for his washed up band, so he needs to kiss Joey's ass.
Posted by: IggyPopWillEatItself

JOEY will be the singer on the new record...mark my words.

seems lilke there is no fun being a member of Anthrax and it translates very well when looking at the current state of the band.
Posted By: CarStars

Over, Finished, Done, Gone, Out.
Posted By: EatNails

I believe the facts were on the top shelf and Scott Ian could not reach up high enough to be able to hold and read them.
posted By: MrBlueGray

Scott Ian eating his words.
How did that taste Scott? Not very good I'm sure.
Posted By: Machado

sounds like they are trying to suck up to Joey because they cant find anyone and are stuck in a rut
Posted By: Guns_n_Motley
As I said somewhere else before, I don´t think, that the apology is supposed to open the door for Joey´s second return. Sounds more like avoiding a reunion-gig in the courtroom...
Translation--Neither Bush nor Corey will sing for his washed up band, so he needs to kiss Joey's ass.
Posted by: IggyPopWillEatItself

I like this guy on Sludge, but I disagree. Anthrax are far from washed up. People have thought they were washed up when Joey left, they were washed up when Stomp 442 sold weak, they were washed up when they lost record deals, they were washed up before they released We've Come For You All. For a band that's washed up, they sure have stuck around a long time.
maybe 'stuck in a rut' could be the sequel to 'caught in a mosh'?

Bong - I think I agree with ya. they tend to have consistently bad luck, which translates to long lulls between albums. their last real album, WCFYA, was killer; in fact, of their albums since '90, the only one that stands out is VOl 8 as it's not quite as strong as the others, but it's still pretty darn good.
metal sludge is washed up. that site's been lame since TUFF guy came out as the owner and started running it himself. shot himself in the foot.

the 2nd tuff album "reigious fix" is awesome. steve rachelle isn't doing tuff albums now, have him sing in anthrax lol
I think that for the next album, everyone in Anthrax should shave their heads and grow huge goatees. Now THERE'S a marketing ploy. :loco:
think that Scott's "apology" to Joey was to appease Joey, and to get him to rejoin. That is, Joey demanded that Scott make up so he would appear less of a stooge, when they announce he is back in the band?

Talk amongst yourselves...........
think that Scott's "apology" to Joey was to appease Joey, and to get him to rejoin. That is, Joey demanded that Scott make up so he would appear less of a stooge, when they announce he is back in the band?

Talk amongst yourselves...........

Maybe, but I don't blame Joey for wanting an apology as a condition of returning. Scott's been talking shit about Joey in the press for years! The only time Scott's ever had anything positive to say about him was during the reunion tour.