Seeing In Flames tonight!

Alright killer show here are some setlists for Arch Enemy and In Flames probably not in order for the most part, but they played these songs none the less.

Arch Enemy:

Opener - Enemy Within
Burning Angel
?New song?
The Immortal
Dead Eyes See No Future
We Will Rise

Good solid setlist, they played all my favorite songs. Only other one I wished they played was Lament of a Mortal Soul. I am glad they just played their key songs and stayed away from any filler songs. They had really good stage presence, this was my first time seeing them live. Very killer band live. My only complaint was, I couldn't make out alot of the leads and melodies the were drowned out by the drumming and heavy riffs.

In Flames:

Opener - Cloud Connected
Episode 666
Pinball Map
Bullet Ride
Can't think of it, was either December Flower or Graveland
Embody the Invisble
Only for the Weak
Touch of Red
Quiet Place
Behind Space
My Sweet Shadow
Touch of Red
Trigger - Last song ( I am sure they came back out for an encore but my friend and I didn't stick around for it, wanted to beat the crowd/traffic)

In Flames is just an amazing band to see live. This was my 2nd time seeing them live, the first time they oepend for Slayer. It was cool to see them play for more than 30 minutes. The crowd was energetic, and it was just a really good time. Before they played Bullet Ride, Anders asked the crowd who knew the lyrics best, and they pulled some dude from the audience up to the stage. Anders asked him his name, his name was Dave I believe, and he said "Congratulations Dave you are the new singer of In Flames" Dave sang Bullet Ride and had a blast on stage. He was wearing a shirt that said Don't Like In Flames on the front and Eat a Bag of Shit on the back. Anyway, I had a blast. Great show. :headbang:
Probably not December flowers probably Graveland....great setlist ...They really are doing nice things these times around...there setlist are well balanced. (not talking of the ozzfest) ..for the dude for bulletride..they did that was pretty cool (someone filmed it )..did the guy do a good job on it?
Dark idea said:
Probably not December flowers probably Graveland....great setlist ...They really are doing nice things these times around...there setlist are well balanced. (not talking of the ozzfest) ..for the dude for bulletride..they did that was pretty cool (someone filmed it )..did the guy do a good job on it?

He sang the lyrics correctly, but as far as being a good singer goes, no. :D

Yeah, I do believe it was Graveland after listening to it again. For some reason I always get that and December Flower confused.
the only live bootleg i heard of december flower was about 5 years ago and they skipped the solo cos they can't play it.. shame really, but thats the only reason i wouldn't want to see that song live.. graveland would be cool i've never seen that one live
So you don't think they could play the solo :( I would be in heaven if they played that solo live...
I don't see why they couldn't learn it... my housemate got it down (in a rough way) after a few days of practising it :err:
yeah it was a guest solo by fredrik johansson.. in flames are great songwriters (recently even i beg to differ) with a great sense of melody but imho technically they aren't very good guitarists.. it think even they would admit that, theyre not trying to be COB, chucking in random guitar wanks (which i also like :) ), thats not what in flames is about, but shit, a classic df style solo would be great on the newer albums too..
on the gothenburg album has anyone noticed how they skip the fucking solo on the hive? it's like the best part of the song and they just dont play it. and yea, their guitarists have a GREAT sense of melody and can write some AMAZING riffs but technically theyre not that great. stick with jeff loomis for technical prowess that's out of this world.
So if Fredrik Johansson can pull out amazing guitar solos like on December Flower, why isn't he in some amazing band that would kick the ass of In Flames nowadays, haha....

Am I right in thinking he was in Dark Tranquillity around the 'Of Chaos and eternal night' album? I wonder what happened to him... and the reasons for leaving the band...
yeah but no solo's on those albums match december flower
that and the hive are my fav in flames solos

a good egsample of in flames sense of melody is the fact that i can play the hive solo, and i pretty much suck at guitar, its simple as, but fucking effective, and obviously writing something like that and playing it are two very different things.
i dont see why they dont play the hive solo live. They did not have a guest guitarist do that, either jesper or bjorn did it, an i downloaded that song for powertabs and learned the solo in about 10 mins. They really should play it live, it would indeed kick ass.
Devy_Metal said:
on the gothenburg album has anyone noticed how they skip the fucking solo on the hive? it's like the best part of the song and they just dont play it. and yea, their guitarists have a GREAT sense of melody and can write some AMAZING riffs but technically theyre not that great. stick with jeff loomis for technical prowess that's out of this world.

What Gothenburg album? On the '99 one, they DO play the solo.
was this an off-date show or something?

because there WAS a show with in flames and shadows fall in my area the day before they played ozzfest ..but then they cancelled and I was pissed like a mother.