I created a showography thread on here a couple years back.

Never used an online database.

My list had my metal shows.

No way under the sun would I be able to remember every punk show I have been to as that was at the height of my concert going.
I've never done this and sometimes I feel like I should. I'm already blanking on some less-memorable shows from earlier this year.
Last night i decided to start one on Excel and got 40 shows attended and the 2 more I anticipate to end this year off for a total of 42. I may have them all or I may be missing a few, hard to remember. Surprisingly i was able to find all the dates online, especially for smaller shows.
I've never done this and sometimes I feel like I should. I'm already blanking on some less-memorable shows from earlier this year.

i did it because my mind was falling apart. i have most of my stubs still but maintaining on the database became easy once i got everything in there.

just need alcatrazz/rough cutt/zebra '87(?) and battlezone/obsession '87 and it'll be about done
Does anyone know how to edit a festival? I tried to update Ragnarokkr 2013, but any bands on 5/3/13 or at the Music Joint stage won't show up as part of the festival.
I like how there's an option where on the bigger bands that have a lot of dates listed, you can go to the song list for all their tours and see how many times certain songs have been played.

Which further cemented my knowledge on how shit Iron Maiden's tours have been for a really long time.:erk: