Showin a little support.


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL
Mr. Murphy,
I notice no one has posted in your forums, So I felt I would to show some support. Being a long time fan(Who has had the honor of meeting you) I just wanted to make sure I gave what support I could.
This is my first time I write into this forum, but I've been following the threads and everything James does (well musically:)) I love his works, love his tone, but mostly his solos;) :worship: I was wondering what's with this forum. No one's posting, and no news of James. Hope he's well. I heard that he's recording some solos for the new Konkhra album. But What's with the Death tribute? He must be very busy.... Hope James is going to be touring with some band in the future(maybe the new Disincarnate) and maybe I'll get a chance to see him live, too:kickass: Anyways cheers to him and to you all!:headbang: