Sigh - Scenes from Hell (Mastered by James)

Dec 28, 2005
Hey James,

I was giving a listen to the new Sigh track that was released ("Prelude to the Oracle") and I love it. Songwriting wise, this is Sigh at the top of their game imo and in terms of the master that you did, I can't hear any pumping or any artifacts like that.

One thing I was wondering though, is why they decided to have the orchestral parts so loud. Obviously this wasn't your decision, but I'm wondering if you had any contact with the producer/mixer or the band and got a chance to ask.
i wasn't the original guy hired to master it, so the mix was totally done by the time it landed in my hands. for whatever reasons they weren't happy with the first ME's work, so they reached out to me as i've mastered albums for them in the past, including their last studio effort, Hangman's Hymn.

at the risk of upsetting someone, i wasn't very happy about the mix at all, but i love the band and was happy to reprise our working relationship. as you guessed though, yeah.. i didn't have any say at all, but if i'd been in the loop earlier, i surely would have.

killer album despite it's sonic limitations... well worth the buy for the music alone. very adventurous band.
Hangman's Hymn was also a great album, great mastering done too.

I put my preorder in with Amazon. It seems like the drums are also buried, at least to my ears. But as you said, an adventurous band and well worth it.