Slipped Disc!!


I Like Chimmy Chengas
Nov 19, 2004
Long Island, NY
Hey, this is a pretty cool Anthrax story I figure i should share with you guys. I live in Valley Stream, NY and about 15 minutes from my house there is this independent CD store called Slipped Disc. Its been around since like 1982 and me and all my friends go there every single weekend, we're friends with everyone that work there and we practically live in the place. Its an amazing store, tons of rare CDs and just all cool music stuff. Anyway, today I'm sitting at work and i was listening to Among The Living and was reading the liner notes. I got up to the thank you's and around the part where they thank different CD stores, I look, jokingly thinking how cool would it be if they thanked Slipped Disc. I look a little closer and to my surprize, they do! I think this is the coolest thing ever, my favorite band used to go a store thats just 15 minutes away from my house, and apparently were there enough that it is eligible to be thanked in their CD. Yeah, i just figured that was a cool little discovery i made that I should share with the Anthrax community.
hey I go to slipped disc all the only a few towns away.

Im pretty sure slipped disc moved from either brooklyn or queens to VALLEYSTREAM in the 80' its the same store, but it may have been in a different location.

SLIPPED DISC rules!!!!! anything underground can be found their!
Metal Thrashing Mark said:
Slipped Disc rules!! Mike is awesome he let me do some Anthrax street teaming there. He knows everything about Metal!!

yeah seriously, him and Randy are awesome. I was actually in there yesterday and Mike was telling me how Scott and Danny Lilker always used to come in there.

He also brought out like 5 scrapbooks and me and my friends stood there for an hour looking at all these pictures from all their instore signings. It was insane, they've had Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Dio, Black Label Society, W.A.S.P., Stryper, Biohazard, Peter Criss, Twisted Sister and tons more there. He even had a letter in there that Kerry King had written to them way before they even were recording Hell Awaits with Kerry's phone number in it.
dude thats so cool!!! thats sucks that they r shutting it down :(
did they say why the are chaning it to an internet store?