Sludge/D-Beat/mixed with anything interesting


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2014
I grew up listening to punk rock, so I started listening to more metal these roots seemed to influence the types of metal bands I got into. I really dig some d-beat style music, especially when combined with some other influences, like newer disfear and tragedy, but unfortunately I've have gotten shittier in my old age and have kind of moved away from the low production values of a lot of the bands in the scene. I like some blues-based groove to my metal like eyehategod, entombed, or some black breath songs. I don't really like clean vocalists, but not that into death metal, guttural growls. I guess the bands above kind of suggest the range of harsh vocals I'm into. I'm also into Mastodon (honestly mostly pre-blood mountain) and High on Fire. Hopefully theres some kind of discernible aesthetic common to these bands. I also made a spotify playlist of the kind of sound I'm looking for. Check it out, maybe the songs will bring to mind some recommendations or maybe you'll discover some tunes you haven;t heard. Add songs to it if you want.