So Glenn, any chance for Mercenary coming back?

(That was really bad English- I meant to say, Any change for Mercenary to come back?)

I know that you have a 2 year rule, and last time they played was well over 2 years ago.

Now that they have a couple of new albums and some new members, any chance of them coming back to ProgPower USA? I heard several people over the weekend say they would love to see them back.

(And planting the seed in your head for PPUSA14 or if for some unfortunate reason a band is lost).

Currently, Glenn is extremely burnt out, and I'm pretty sure the last thing he wants to think about right now are future rosters. Not trying to be a smarty, but instead give you an explanation for the non-reply. :) He has not even listened to his iPod, watched any videos, or listened to music on the radio since the fest (and probably won't for quite some time).

Currently, Glenn is extremely burnt out, and I'm pretty sure the last thing he wants to think about right now are future rosters. Not trying to be a smarty, but instead give you an explanation for the non-reply. :) He has not even listened to his iPod, watched any videos, or listened to music on the radio since the fest (and probably won't for quite some time).


Ouch! I pray this is not an omen of things to come.:confused:
Well guys he did have major hip surgery just a few months ago, so he has to be worn out, and he always takes a 2 or 3 week break after PP to decompress so let's let the man have his quiet time without speculation or for that matter even asking him a single question until sayyyyyyyy Nov 1st
Well guys he did have major hip surgery just a few months ago, so he has to be worn out, and he always takes a 2 or 3 week break after PP to decompress so let's let the man have his quiet time without speculation or for that matter even asking him a single question until sayyyyyyyy Nov 1st

Holy shit! Never knew he was in that bad of shape. No wonder he is burnt.
Currently, Glenn is extremely burnt out, and I'm pretty sure the last thing he wants to think about right now are future rosters. Not trying to be a smarty, but instead give you an explanation for the non-reply. :) He has not even listened to his iPod, watched any videos, or listened to music on the radio since the fest (and probably won't for quite some time).


Yeah....from as long as I've known him he takes himself off the grid for the next month regarding all music and PP related.....
He needs a weekend in Margaritaville listening to Buffet to recoup
Ouch! I pray this is not an omen of things to come.:confused:

Don't fret. He (we) are both burnt out after each festival annually. To say that it takes its toll on our mental and physical health is quite the understatement. There is soooooo much more involved to pulling this off than most folks realize. (Again, not pleading for sympathy, but rather providing an explanation). And yes, as John stated above, (and I did in my JEER) G. did indeed have major surgery recently. I'm so proud of him.. he worked his ASS off in physical therapy to ensure he would be able to keep his end of the bargain at this year's festival for all attendees.

His "good night" post will be coming shortly.. however, he doesn't have the time or energy to type it up now. There are still so many (business) loose ends to tie up first.

^5 Jen you guys do an excellent job every year and deserve the time off with no explanation, you guys are the best and i missed going this year so much it hurt, but it couldn't be helped, but i promise I will be there next year come hell or high water.