So I finally checked out...

The first six are all pretty great IMO. The band's first two albums are oldschool quasi blackened death metal, Opus is more traditional black metal and then from Heaven Shall Burn onto Panzer Division Marduk is the band's sound they're kind of known for I guess. I wouldn't call it blackened death metal necessarily but that's probably the best way to describe it. So if you think you like Opus go for it and maybe give it another listen or two before you decide. I seem to be enjoying PDM quite a bit recently myself.

Fuck it, i'll just download a couple of their albums, including Panzer Division Marduk and i might pick them up later on if i can find them for a good price.
Finally checked out Jungle Rot. Really enjoying the single-minded chuggitude. Could probably use a few leads to break up the constant low-end, but overall I'm really digging this.
Finally checked out Jungle Rot. Really enjoying the single-minded chuggitude. Could probably use a few leads to break up the constant low-end, but overall I'm really digging this.

I love Jungle Rot. They're one of the first death metal bands I came across. (on Limewire :lol: ) They do what they do, groove like a motherfucker, fairly catchy lyrics and an understandable growler... then they get outta there within a half hour. For what they do, their albums are perfect.

I recently just started listening to Saxon and was just cruising down the road listening to Wheels of Steel, fighting the temptation to drive really fast.
i like the old Midnight stuff more than the full length too, not that it's bad. Chapel are pretty kick ass in the same way too:

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So I finally had the chance to listen to Psalm 9 and have to say that i'm really digging it ... thanks for the rec guys.

I also got a chance to check out a few tracks from The Carnival Bizarre, which I liked a lot more than everything I heard from The Garden.
I'm listening to Amon Amarth for the first time right now. I've known of them forever now but never actually bothered to listen to them or read anything on them. They seem popular from what I can tell and get a fair amount of media attention (for a death metal band). I'm listening to Surtur Rising right now and it isn't all that bad, they seem pretty cool.
Whoa I finally just checked out Nevermore too, they have some pretty sweet riffage. Wow I was really late on that one.
It took me years to get past my bias against Nevermore, which was formed mostly due to their cover of Love Bites and their S/T. Which albums in particular? I've burned out a bit due to the redundancy in a lot of their albums, but the Politics through Dead Heart run was really strong.

Into the Mirror Black is the best of all, though.

EDIT: And glad to see appreciation for Psalm 9. :kickass:
I'm listening to Amon Amarth for the first time right now. I've known of them forever now but never actually bothered to listen to them or read anything on them. They seem popular from what I can tell and get a fair amount of media attention (for a death metal band). I'm listening to Surtur Rising right now and it isn't all that bad, they seem pretty cool.

Try Twilight of the Thunder God. Pure rocking, sword to the sky metal.