So I just got lots of Townsend, and I need some advice


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
After being interested in checking out some Devin Townsend stuff, I went and picked up a bunch of his albums. I got most of his solo albums and a few Strapping Young Lad.

Since I am relatively new to Devin Townsend, I figured I'd have a start with his debut and go chronologically from there. So I popped in Ocean Machine and surfed on the net to read some reviews about it. So I came across all these weird comments. First thing that really confused me was the term Ocean Machine band. So is OM his former band or his first solo offering? Secondly are DT solo and DTB different entities or just the same line-up? Thirdly I have many a time read that Devin's work is known to be indescribably heavy, yet when I popped in Ocean Machine and gave it a few spins, it didn't strike me necessarily as being heavy. It's just very avant garde. I know that Devin has a killer voice, very powerfull with quite some range. But on the album he seems to experiment with his vocals but melodically and technically. He uses these processed vocal type that sounds like his voice is going thru some sort of filter before it hits your ears? Same goes for the instruments, particularly the guitars. The music shifts from genre to genre refusing to compromise and making it impossible for you to categorise it. The tone is weird. The production is amazing, but the guitar tones are also very unusual. Also, there's no real solo on the album, only fiery rhythm lines. Some songs have this "pop" feel to them, not necessarily radio pop, but you know what I mean.

So my question is, did I make a fine start by picking OM? What can I expect from the other Devin solo offerings and what is really going to hit me on SYL albums? Do most Townsend fans consider those records death metal, or industrial? What exactly is it that makes some people use the term industrial when describing Devin's music?

Also, has he ever taken part in more proggy rooted albums where we can also expect some degree of technical prowess in the instrumentation department?

Hey Mezarkabul,

Ocean Machine is a great album, what you have to understand about Devin's solo records is that they vary from album to album. If you want some crazy guitar playing and wacked out,kind of prog - like tunes you should check out Infinity. Accelerated Evolution is more like Ocean Machine. Terria is a more Pink Floydish prog like record from Devin and Physicist is a heavy album that the SYL guy's played on.

If you want to hear Devin's heavy side, then listen to SYL. All the SYL albums are more industrial-like and HEAVY ! SYL rules when it comes to heavy stuff. I do prefer the production on his solo records more though.

As far as Ocean Machine band.....that was a project that never toured. Devin did have the SYL guy's play some of his solo stuff live before but that did'nt last. So....he put together a group of guy's about a year ago to play alll of his solo efforts and called it the Devin Townsend Band. These same buch of guy's recorded his last release called Accelerated Evolution (awesome record if you like OM) That's the deal on DT or DTB. Devin had a bunch of solo records with different people recording them and he finally wanted to get a solid line-up to play all the albums live and record all the future ones. Hence.....The Devin Townsend Band.

Basically he wanted to have 2 seperate bands instead of having the SYL guy's play his solo stuff in a SYL set once in a while. If you ever get a chance, check out SYL and DTB live. Both bands are fucking incredible live ! Have fun...HOPE THIS HELPS !
Strapping Young Lad = super heavy rip your face off metal

Everything else = much more "musical" - tons of variety, mixing of styles, sounds, textures

Ocean Machine is a great album, don't worry about what other people say about the albums. Expectations suck when it comes to music. OM isn't meant to be his HEAVY work.

Oh- and if you're expecting the super technical 'OOH LOOK HOW MANY NOTES I CAN PLAY HOLY FAST SOLO" type of prog, Devin isn't your thing. Devin is all about the SONG, the emotion, and the MUSIC - not wanking.

That being said, you really really really really really need to pick Terria, I think it is by far his most challenging and amazing work. Give that album time for sure, after one listen you won't have a clue as to what you just heard.
I've been listening to Ocean Machine a lot. I have also Pyhsicist, Terria, Infinity; and SLY's s/t and City. I haven't played any of them yet though. I'm still digesting Ocean Machine and by the look of it, I guess I'll have to give it some more spins. Thanks a lot for your replies, but you haven't really enlightened me as to how I should go with other Devin stuff to get into his music. Is OM a good starting point? The reason I ask is, for example if you check out Vanden Plas and pick up Far Off Grace first, you may just think they're a good band. But the album isn't really fantastic or anything so you will be in no hurry to check out their back catalog or new stuff, wheras an album like The God Thing or their new one Beyond Daylight are both awesome albums. Know what I mean? I just don't wanna kick on the wrong disc for a start, because I have heard many a time that Devin has his own thing going on and that he's "weird" to put it lightly.

So far the Ocean Machine album sounds really good, though I don't know yet if it's anything I would give replays many times. The songs are very minimalist in style, but the writing is not. It's very heavy in scope. I do like what I hear so far.

By the way, I read somewhere that Devin went to a mental institution voluntarily back in 1997. Is that true? Does anyone know what kind of chaotic lifestyle he had that made him want to bring some degree of order to his life? It is interesting how he came out and became even a better musician thereafter. If the rumours are true that is.
Yes, Terria is the key. Best of Devy's solo stuff as far as I'm concerned. It's the one DT album that clicked with me right away.

OM is great too, but it took me a fair number of listens to really appreciate it...I agree with the comment that Accelerated Evolution goes back to the OM style a bit more, and it's also an excellent album. Hell, it's all great stuff, Terria is just slightly more great. I'm going to stop rambling now.
ocean machine is a great gateway to devy. its his first "mellow" solo album and all his other albums, while different sounding, take elements from ocean machine and each other, thus creating pretty cool soundscapes.

all in all its damned near impossible to classify them. just know ocean machine is a good gateway. i bought it along with infinity and physicist as well, and after listening to all of them nonstop for like 2 weeks, they rotated in my cd players for about 3 years, no lie. i hope you dig his stuff, he is easily the best and most creative pure musician in music today.
everything is great and its all quite different , always the same sound , never the same style , if you appreciated OM you will most likelly want to listen to accelerated evolution.
on the album he seems to experiment with his vocals but melodically and technically. He uses these processed vocal type that sounds like his voice is going thru some sort of filter before it hits your ears...

Dev recorded most of the OM parts in his bedroom...Incredible sounding :loco:
Mezarkabul said:
By the way, I read somewhere that Devin went to a mental institution voluntarily back in 1997. Is that true?

Yeah its true.

Listen to Infinity. I think he may have cracked while recording Ants :D
you did brilliant by picking OM first. together with City by SYL, those are the most pure albums for me. Terria is amazingly good, but sometimes its a bit too much focus on atmosphere than really finding the core of what you do hear on City and Biomech. As is Accelerated Evolution imo.

But fuck mate, this guy is a genius when it comes to songwriting and producing! :loco:

i'd recommend to get his stuff in chronological order:
SYL, OM, Infinity, Punky Bruster, Physicist, SYL Live in Aussie, Terria, dTb and SYL again.
did i miss anything? ah dont forget to get them demos as well.

cheers, Dev rocks your hairy anus mate :p
Mezarkabul said:
By the way, I read somewhere that Devin went to a mental institution voluntarily back in 1997. Is that true? Does anyone know what kind of chaotic lifestyle he had that made him want to bring some degree of order to his life? It is interesting how he came out and became even a better musician thereafter. If the rumours are true that is.
Devin has a disorder which he has under control now, basically.
theres no rumour about it.