So... I went in for a couple interviews today


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
The first one was Holiday Inn Express. Totally blew that. They soon figured out I wasn't much a people person when I kept getting impatient and tapping my foot when they'd be sitting there writing up forms and such. Though I was being impatient because I had another interview later...

To go back in time a bit, last night I saw at a taxidermy place they had job openings with paid training and no experience required. So I called them this morning and they said to come in at 2 for an interview. The interview for the HIE was at 12:30. Knowing this anyway, I said "Sure I can do that".

HIE interview ended at 1:45, and I had 15 minutes to find the bus to where I needed to go, and then get there at 2.

2:20 rolls around and I finally make it.

Go in, guy greets me, and I apologize for my tardiness and made up some fib about how there was a massive line at the bank, and the bus got caught in traffic and such (both were true, I just exagerated each by 20 minutes).

We sit down and he goes through the normal routine, until I notice his voice. I heard it somewhere before. I go through my library of voices and suddenly realize it sounds just like christopher walken. And I do mean just like.

He keeps going with the usual stuff, and here I am trying to hold in laughter, till, he begins the weird questions.

"What are your feelings on massive amounts of blood?" - I had the hold in the laughter and say "Well, I don't mind it."

"What are your feelings on deceased woodland creatures laying in front of you?" - Still holding in my laughter but smiling now, the christopher walken voice was getting to me. "Well, don't mind that much either..."

"Sometimes customers will ask us to put these, creatures, in sexually suggesting positions, do you have a problem with positioning animals into very sexually suggesting positions?" - At this point I just lost it. I suddenly imagined christopher walken in Pulp Fiction talking about the watch and I fell over laughing.

So long story short, 2 interviews, 0 job offers.
"Sometimes customers will ask us to put these, creatures, in sexually suggesting positions, do you have a problem with positioning animals into very sexually suggesting positions?"

I don't see how any ordinary person could avoid laughing at that. :lol:
MajestikMøøse said:
I don't see how any ordinary person could avoid laughing at that. :lol:

Obviously the six people who do work there could...

After my laughter I just left, cause I knew I blew that one. The whole time going home wondering if that question was just meant to weed out people who don't take it seriously, or if people actuallywant a hamster positioned with his hands near his asshole and a smile on his face.
Wait a minute, let me get it straight... REAL hamsters?
and what do they do with them later??
WTF, does UTAH has so many psychos and freaks (yes Karen) that
on an interview, the recruiter ASKS you about a perversion that maybe 2%
of the population has????

and No, btw, I would prolly not laugh... on job interviews (and I hire a lot so I do those a lot) sometimes they ask you the most extreme quastions to see your reaction... laughing is considered unprofessional in a lot of places...

Eric: sorry you didn't get the job... I'm still distured by the "sexually positioned" animals...
Unless you assrape the interviewer, there's really not much you can do to be considered unprofessional after being asked to put a hamster corpse in sexually awkward positions.
It didn't help he said the guy sounded like Christopher Walken. I'd see him saying it and laugh too.