so,....the Texas tour.....


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
I just got word that a local promoter just recently booked VEHEMENCE to play the Ridglea Theatre in Ft. Worth, TX on August 7th which is a Saturday night.

The confirmation was made solid through road rage touring. I tried to get my band to open up the show, however the promoter mentioned that he already had 2 local acts booked.....( The bastirds got to it before me, grrrrrr )

Anyway, he mentioned that Road Rage said that it was "possibility" that VEHEMENCE may be bringing another band on tour with them. A band from California if I remember correctly..... The promoter says if the California band jumps on the tour there will be no room for my group,.....but, if it's just VEHEMENCE touring, we will be added to the bill.

So my question is,.....which band from Cali might be joining you guys....Hate to say it, but gawd I hope they can't do the tour cause I REALLY want to open up for VEHEMENCE. It's not often a person gets to open up for there favorite band in the entire world!!!!!
er, which California bands? nothern or southern California?? haha

uh, bands that i can think of from southern california, and all of these are local, but bleh...:
Cattle Decapitation, Disgorge, Warface, Stracther, Ninth Level, Six Foot Deathtrap, Damnation, Open Heart Supper, Broca's Aphasia, Gutrot, Severed, Crimson Moon, VIII Fraud, Nibiru, Opus Majestic, Amon Incarnate, Skelator, Dodecameron..

umm.. yeah
Hey Dylan, just so you know, we've been talking to the roadrage dude about Vex + Vehemence doing some Texas dates in between, or after, Vehemence's various tours...if and when this goes through, we will definitely have Plague Of Ages involved. I think what we're trying to do is have us and Vehemence plus 2 openers in like 4 cities; we'll definitely hit up Dallas if the Aug 7th thing goes well. If we do, I'll put in a request for POA plus whoever else can help draw a crowd. I'll let you know what I find out.
I really hope you guys can get on the bill for the 7th!
West Texas is kinda a shithole.....But Mid to East Texas isn't that bad.

Ciaran U RULE DUDE. Thanks for the help. I never really thought to try and shoot for another town in Texas.....Thanks for reccommending us to the Roadrage crew. I'll send him an e-mail and see if any other shows is Texas have an opening act, like you said.

Opening in Dallas is still a little "if-y" depending on whether or not Something must die jumps on or not. However, if you hear of any other cities that are looking for an opener along with you guys, let me know and we'll try and squeeze in. You got my number right?